Although he did pick Miami, King is a jackass, always has been...
Yesterday the great and heralded Terrell Davis, and the cry baby, whiny Jim Mora both rode the Ratriot badnwagan... rode it long and hard... while Sheftler chose Miami... Both TD and Mora's reasoning were the Ratriots easy schedule with game against Raiders, Buffalo, Arizona... The funny thing is, while the vaunted and great ANALysts TD and MoraN rode the "ratriot schedule is the reason they will win the division", neither one of them mentioned Miami's EASIER schedule against SF, KC, and Jets, which Scheffler called them on, as I would have done... TD's rebuttle, "so you are saying Miami will go to the superbowl"? Pretty weak arguement to Shefflers rebuttle considering this was only a division conversation... TD is a definately a moron