reports Marshall has to take written tests | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums reports Marshall has to take written tests


Peace out
Apr 3, 2006
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United States
Newly acquired wide receiver Brandon Marshall spent the weekend at the Miami Dolphins' minicamp standing on the sidelines, riding a stationary bike and watching his teammates while he recovers from hip surgery.

Dolphins coach Tony Sparano wants Marshall to know that just because he can't practice, that doesn't mean he can't work. And so Sparano has told receivers coach Karl Dorrell to quiz Marshall constantly while plays are being run in practice and even make Marshall take written exams in meetings.

"That's been me saying to Karl, 'Let's make sure that Brandon is being held accountable for this information just like everybody else is,''' Sparano said.

Sparano said that Marshall's transition from the Broncos' offense to the Dolphins' offense should be easy because of the similarities between the two offenses. And anything Marshall doesn't already know, he's expected to learn, even if he can't run plays on the practice field yet.

"Brandon knows that," Sparano said. "So his way of being held accountable right now has to be from a test standpoint."

I personally love this. I have never heard of teams doing this, maybe I am behind on things. But the fact that he just can't sit on a nike all day long is awesome.
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