PFT Turdwatch | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

PFT Turdwatch

That is going to go up a lot soon, Evan's crap hasn't been added.
how does the turd points work?

PFT said:
Everyone in the organization is eligible. Players, coaches, owners, front-office employees, etc. If the person works for the team and is arrested, the points will be assigned. The term "players" includes players on the roster, the practice squad, and any of the various "reserve" lists (with the exception of "reserve-retired"). The scoring system is simple. Seven points for a felony arrest. Three points for a misdemeanor arrest. One point for a conviction. If there are multiple charges, the points will stack, too.
For the purposes of the Turd Watch scoring, a conviction includes a guilty plea, a plea of no contest, and the entry into a diversion program.
That's about the stupidest crap I have seen in a long, long time. It shows that someone really has nothing better to do with their time.

I think the guy who runs that site has plenty of important things to do with his time. I think turd watch is stupid as well but, im not about to suggest the guy is some kind of loser who created the place.
Any of you guys who trash PFT need to think about whats out there... (edit, wasn't trying to make attacks haha). Look at the rest of the journalists out there -- are they really that fun to listen to / read / etc? I would go so far to say that Florio puts together the best stuff on the web. He takes shots, he makes jokes (without much discrimination) -- and he makes mistakes. What you won't see, out of your "big time" media guys, is someone that owns up to the mistakes!

I love Finheaven. But people that always trash PFT, probably trash most stuff.
i don't think its stupid at all. I think it pretty much shows the overall character of teams... some teams have 40+ points and have a lot of character issues that plague the league, while others have zero.
That's about the stupidest crap I have seen in a long, long time. It shows that someone really has nothing better to do with their time.

I like what they are doing with it.

It shows how some TEAMS and PLAYERS do not deserve to be in the NFL. The Bengals will take anyone that can play the game. It does not matter if they killed 50 million people (You know what I mean...).:fire:
I personally think Turd Watch is a good idea.
Originally Posted by FinFilbert
That's about the stupidest crap I have seen in a long, long time. It shows that someone really has nothing better to do with their time.

I like what they are doing with it.

It shows how some TEAMS and PLAYERS do not deserve to be in the NFL. The Bengals will take anyone that can play the game. It does not matter if they killed 50 million people (You know what I mean...).:fire:

Point noted. I will thus amend my opinion. I am not exactly crazy about it. I agree that some people really are "turds" in PFT's context; But, I would contend there are fewer than the site proselytizes. I certainly don't think all of them are (turds). Most people (professional athletes included) are good people. Some find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, and in some cases, make poor decisions. They may be good ball players, but they may have poor life-judgment skills. Sometimes all it takes is a stupid mistake to be the real teaching moment. Their mistake becomes a teaching moment for someone else as well.

Even in the NFL's "tough guy" culture, I would expect many of these men to be quite evolved, not having to buy into a 16 year old's version of "what it means to be a man." Sometimes (e.g. Joey Porter, I would not be surprised if that fight was all about offended honor), guys develop personal issues between one another that lead to no other conclusion than a pop in the mouth. Who knows, it may be warranted? I don't condone it, but I can understand it. Does defending one's honor make him a "turd?" Not if it was your honor, or your wife's, or your child's you were defending. I don't pass judgment on JP. I guess sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. I don't have the physical gifts to do what he does, but sometimes, I sure wish I did. I guess my rambling point is that I see a difference between what JP did, and what someone like Pacman Jones did.

There is a difference between personal honor, and personal aggrandizement. But to label everyone a turd because they are on the wrong side of the law is a poor measuring stick of character. I have known some of the most heart wrenching stories of people having to get arrested, and serve time, in order to do the right thing.
Coming from someone posting on a Miami Dolphins message board.

You're right. Tonight, I was bored. Just finished a masters degree and a funding project for a charity. Deciding on what life goals I want to work on next. Tonight I was just looking to see what news is happening around Dolphinland.

What about you?
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