PFW says Ogun May be tough to sign | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

PFW says Ogun May be tough to sign

Think about it.

As much as Drew Rosenhaus talks, when was the last time he had a client hold out with Miami? He represents probably half this football team.

Drew may seem like a shark, but he typically does what is best for the player he represents, and the Dolphins have a fantastic working relationship with him. Drew represents Will Poole, and Rick Spielman made the comment that it is a good thing that Poole is represented by Drew.

This whole Adewale Ogunleye issue has been blown out of proportion by the media. Ogunleye not participating in mini camps is not a big deal, as long as he is there when training camp starts. Rick and Drew will get something worked out. Rick may have to do a couple of other things to get it done, but it will get done. I believe Ogunleye and Chambers will be signed to long term deals this summer after Miami extends the contracts of Sammy Knight and Pat Surtain.
Now is when Rosenhaus is at his most desperate because he does not have any more leverage.

Things are progressing nicely. The draft tells me Spielman planned on signing Ogun all along...he was just wisely waiting until no other team in the NFL could cloud the negotiations process and give Rosenhaus another bargaining chip to use. Now Rosenhaus has nothing but a non-credible threat of holding out. I expect this to get done. Ogunleye doesn't want to play on a one year deal and now its clear to me anyway that the phins do not want him to play on a one year deal either. They want him signed to a relatively cheap longterm contract and are using the threat of playing on the one-year tender to achieve it.

Contracts signed by RFAs are usually not as big as those signed by UFAs.
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