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Phil Simms said.......

Originally posted by FinsGoToGuy

I agree that they have one of the best d-line, but if we want to go the SuperBowl, we need better play from our o-line. Williams was a non factor.

I didn't see the game on TV but against a defense like TB that have playmakers all over the field we wouldn't be able to trick them easily.

:mad: someone mad a good point. Williams was a BIG factor in this game. The giants were so focused in on him that that enabled us to get big plays on passes, screens, and even hand off's to the fullback. Yea he wasn't a factor in terms of yards, but you take Williams out the game and there is nobody else for the giants to think about. Good Win Dolphins!:lol:
Originally posted by minus
The Giants offensive line is just average and I ask my self if the Giants offensive line is just average than Dolphins offensive line is horrible.We already knew they have problem pass blocking but today they can't open a whole for the running game if their lives depended on it.

I think you guys are missing the point completely here.
Admitedly, the OL for us is still a question mark. With Dixon's continuing problems it is something to worry about.

However, the key to why Ricky could'nt run today isn't just the OL's fault, as a matter of fact the poor running room for Ricky isn't even a majority of the OL's fault. It is Jay Fiedler's fault.

I know you predicted a Pro Bowl appearance for Jay Minus but the fact is that the rest of the NFL and especially opposing Defensive coordinators would laugh at that statement.

Smart coordinators will stuff the line with defenders, aggressively crash LB's into the line and call run blitzes on the Dolphins just like the Giants did today. The OL wasn't getting mauled by Giant Lineman. They were outnumbered all day.

As teams in the past have done since Jay's arrival, they will give Jay the opportunity to beat them and throw everything at Ricky.

Ricky had zero chance today by design and Fiedler could'nt make anything happen with the chances he was given. Exactly what the Giants wanted. We'll see that type of D against us all year.

If not for the turnovers the defense created today, Miami loses this game.

Miami D came up with all the turnovers presented to them and the Giants blew their interception opportunities. That was the difference in this game.
Each game is like a snowflake. No two are the same. The defense came up big in this game but, the last time I looked, the offense had scored all the points.
The fact that we scored 23 points with Ricky having like 40 yards is impressive on it's own.
Originally posted by inFINSible
Each game is like a snowflake. No two are the same. The defense came up big in this game but, the last time I looked, the offense had scored all the points.

Just curious inFins but what would you know about snowflakes ?

Considering where you live....

:jk: :nana:

hey trek, you can't put it all on feidler. the recievers weren't exactly wide open all day. several times he had no time and no one to throw to. the giants secondary did a good job of covering our recievers.

granted, feidler isn't the best QB in the league but to say the O's trouble is all his is a bit much.
Getting stopped on the goal line proves how good the Giants are. Fied got a break or two with some dropped passes but he also buried the Giants with some clutch throws and a TOP of 11 minutes in the 4th qtr.
Originally posted by DOLPHAN1
hey trek, you can't put it all on feidler. the recievers weren't exactly wide open all day. several times he had no time and no one to throw to. the giants secondary did a good job of covering our recievers.

granted, feidler isn't the best QB in the league but to say the O's trouble is all his is a bit much.

Not putting it all on Fiedler Dolphan1. No game is ever 1 players fault entirely.... although Ray Lucas really tried hard last year.

Just pointing out that you will see the same type of defenses all year against the Fins. Opposing teams don't fear Jay at all and for good reason. For us to go all the way, Jay will have to step up and have a couple of very good days. Troubling thought. Today it was the turnovers by the D that saved the day plain and simple. That's what our D is paid to do so Kudos!
Originally posted by XoPhinsoX
Our line played horrible.

Better get their **** straight. Ricky was getting hit in the backfield all day, not to mention by more then 1 guy.

im wondering if there is a leadership learning curve for mckinney here. They were pushing up the middle alot but keep in mind they were bringing the house alot too. I must have seen DB's in the backfield all day. until norv put the whammy on them with the reverse.:lol:
Originally posted by XoPhinsoX
The fact that we scored 23 points with Ricky having like 40 yards is impressive on it's own.

exactly.........this was the giants on the road. i thought it was a very telling win. To do that with 40 yards of ricky means we used everyone today. Konrad, mcmicheal, Thompson(ok it wasnt anything spectacular), Chambers, Mcnight, oh and even ayabandejo.........:lol:
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