Phillip Rivers To Miami Trade Rumor From Xtra 570 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Phillip Rivers To Miami Trade Rumor From Xtra 570


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Feb 16, 2002
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Tonight on XTRA 570 in San Diego it was reprted that Miami may trade Patrick Surtain and our #2 pick overall for QB Phillip Rivers and San Diego's 1st Rounder. Supposedly the chargers really want WR Braylon Edwards and are willing to take the cap on Rivers hit to get him and Surtain.

Personally I think I'd also want a 2nd rounder next year for that trade to work for me.
Interesting rumor. I agree with you that I think we would need an additional pick to make the trade more fair. I guess you can add this rumor to the growing list that will more then likely grow by the day. I wouldn't be suprised to see the Cowboys enter the trade rumors.
If they're giving us the #12, that trade is fine by me as is. Heck, I'd do it for the #28. Rivers is easily worth the #2 overall pick, as he's a better QB prospect than Rodgers or Smith, and has the advantage of being signed already and having a year of NFL practice under his belt. That means we'd be getting a first round pick for Surtain.
A second rounder added in would be nice, but AJ Smith didn't just fall off the turnip truck. ;)
phunwin said:
If they're giving us the #12, that trade is fine by me as is. Heck, I'd do it for the #28. Rivers is easily worth the #2 overall pick, as he's a better QB prospect than Rodgers or Smith, and has the advantage of being signed already and having a year of NFL practice under his belt. That means we'd be getting a first round pick for Surtain.
A second rounder added in would be nice, but AJ Smith didn't just fall off the turnip truck. ;)
Plus we'd be getting a heck of a deal cap wise on the whole deal. Rivers would be cheap and we'd lose Surtains salary.
That trade scenario would certainly be win-win situation. We get a QB that will certainly be special and at a reasonable price, still have a 1st rounder, and have the cap relief that a Surtain trade would provide.

SD would get the WR that they are lusting after, get one of the top corners in the NFL and settle the QB controversy that's not doing Rivers any good.
i'm going to continue going against the grain on this trade idea. i'm not sold. to me it seems like we lose a lot of value and SD takes a huge cap hit. this is a pick and a player for a pick and a player correct? you can align it anyway you want but in my mind it is sutain for rivers and #2 for #12 straight and that is a SD heavy trade in my mind. try to reason it as pick for player all you want, when it comes down to it player for player, pick for pick, we lose value big time IMHO.
DOLPHAN1 said:
i'm going to continue going against the grain on this trade idea. i'm not sold. to me it seems like we lose a lot of value and SD takes a huge cap hit. this is a pick and a player for a pick and a player correct? you can align it anyway you want but in my mind it is sutain for rivers and #2 for #12 straight and that is a SD heavy trade in my mind. try to reason it as pick for player all you want, when it comes down to it player for player, pick for pick, we lose value big time IMHO.
Keep in mind though that by bettering our cap situation it can free us up to signing or trading for more talent and needed positions.
I know most of you will disagree with me but I'm not entirely sold on Rivers and would be pretty disappointed if a trade like that went ahead. I'd rather see him prove his worth before giving up what seems to me to be high compensation for him.
Keep in mind though that by bettering our cap situation it can free us up to signing or trading for more talent and needed positions.

true but who? who are these FA's we can sign? there wont be many drafted players and if we trade for a player or two we are right back where we started. there are other "trade rumors" that i think are more plausible and would be better for the team. i agree that the priority for the cap is to do something with surtain...even trade him, but i don't like this one. still not convinced the value is there for what this team needs...

glad this is still jus a rumor.

still just my opinion.
Mike, have you heard anything more about this rumor? If it's got legs, you'd think it would be all over the radio there by now.
phunwin said:
Mike, have you heard anything more about this rumor? If it's got legs, you'd think it would be all over the radio there by now.
I havent been able to listen to radio much at all since that night. I have been watching NFL channel though and nothing has been said.

I'm sure its something that has been discussed and nothing more than that, like all the rest of the rumors we hear. I do think though that the SD and TB rumors are based on real talks.
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