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Phin fans owned Giants Stadium


Seasoned Veteran
Sep 10, 2004
Reaction score
Northern NJ
For those who were not there, at the end of the game when all the Jests fans were leaving in utter disappointment (much to my pleasure), all the phin fans were gathering around the lower level or however low they can get and doing cheers such as "Let's go Phins".

There is always alot of Miami fans and the Jests home game but it seemed like there were many more yesterday. If you listen to the sound bite of Favre's last pic you can hear a loud cheer.

Here's to the playoffs and turning Giants Stadium into OUR HOUSE!!!
WOOOOOO! :woot:
hells yea, i was there sitting in section 104, it was great having all those lets go dolphins chants during the game, and watching all those jet fans leave the stadium in disgust. lets hope now we can do some damage in the playoffs.
hells yea, i was there sitting in section 104, it was great having all those lets go dolphins chants during the game, and watching all those jet fans leave the stadium in disgust. lets hope now we can do some damage in the playoffs. too. row 1. Matt Roth jersey.

It was sick hearing a 'DEFENSE' chant when our D was on the field.
I heard it on TV too!!!! At the same time they were showing brett favres old gloomy face about to shed a tear too. row 1. Matt Roth jersey.

It was sick hearing a 'DEFENSE' chant when our D was on the field.
ya it was great, the whole game was just sweet, watching those jet fans leave the game early, and walking out of the stadium with so many dolphin fans chanting, i felt like i was at dolphins stadium.
Great.....all of those old feelings coming back at us once again...ITS PLAYOFF TIME NOW!!!!!
I was also there, it was great seeing all those Dolfans. There must have been 10,000 of us there. I was in section 129 with my aqua #52 Channing Crowder jersey.

The funny part about it in my section was the Jets fans actually started rooting for the Dolphins once they realized the Ravens took care of business and there playoff hopes were over even if the Jets won. They said they'd rather see us make the playoffs then the Patriots. Bill Belichek is not a liked man in NY/NJ.
Guys.............. we're back to where we need to be!!!!! AFC East Champions !! :hi5: :hi5: :hi5: :hi5:
great job guys who were there...I kept turning to my dad in disbelief after hearing the crowd chanting "lets go dolphins"...truly amazing! what a season it has been! I can't tell you the last time i've been this excited for my Phins!
I read somewhere this morning that they cheered Chad when he came on the field & gave him a standing ovation at some point...
This so makes up for the Christmas game of 2006, which I went to. They were such A-holes after that game starting fights and shiz.
there's nothing worse than jets was great to hear the lets go dolphins chants on tv..
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