Phins Fans need to get off of RT17 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Phins Fans need to get off of RT17


Club Member
Mar 18, 2012
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The qb play is no doubt one of the top categories fans watch and ultimately how they judge a team. My observations this past season saw a team without chemistry, leadership and hunger. My belief is this all generates from coaching. The game plan must be innovative and attack oriented. In order for this to happen the players need to be on the same page (chemistry) and overcome the opposing team at all costs (hunger). I believe RT17 can be a very good qb but if the coaching staff cannot provide great leadership and a solid game plan it will take a miracle for one or two players to succeed.
It just looked like the team played without any cohesiveness last season. So many times it appeared as if they were not clicking as a group. When you watch a championship caliber team you see a team that, prettty consistently, makes plays when they need to. It leaves you impressed or pissed but none the less you have to be envious. That sometimes looks like the qb or one single player is awesome (sometimes a single player makes an incredible play) but mostly it's simply the team knows who they are and what they can do regardless of the opposing team. Confidence, chemistry and coaching puts the players in the position to be winners....then we can tell if it's real...then it's on them.....we ARE NOT THERE..,.here's hoping for a change where change can BE the long term answer.....COACHING and GAME PLANNING...then put the right players in your plan.
So why do the fans need to get off Tannehill if the problem is coaching?
I think he means get off his back.....

Ohhhhh. Then yea, agreed.

I don't feel like our team has really clicked yet, and that's also partly to blame on Ireland's musical chairs with the roster, disrupting team chemistry, but hey, who knows if Philbin ordered those swappings or it was all Ireland.
I somewhat agree. There are people that need to get off Tanne's back and others that need to get off his far as coaching goes I agree. They never really looked inspired or hyped up. Didn't look like they had a purpose and never appeared to play with a fire lit under under them.
Hey Zounds I'm not sure where you're going with the comment...please explain
So why do the fans need to get off Tannehill if the problem is coaching?

Because fans are blaming Tannehill for his eratic and inconsistent play....They need to wise up and see the problem is team chemistry, game planning and lack of leadership.
Didnt think that one through did you

What's up with your comment? If you read the sentence ..."I believe RT17 can be a very good qb but if the coaching staff cannot provide great leadership and a solid game plan it will take a miracle for one or two players to succeed."... then it should be self explanatory....
Less words might entice me to read your subject matter.
Fewer words would not allow me to express my opinion fully. You folks attack anyone you can anytime you can. This forum allows opinions and if mine are too long or complex for you just skip them.
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