Phins want Griese as a backup - not Bob | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Phins want Griese as a backup - not Bob

One thing to add to the Griese situation is that sometimes players need a wake up call, When a good player is cut it makes them want to go out and prove that the team that released them made a mistake. It may not in this case but you never know.

I wouldn't mind seeing a QB competition and having the best man win the starting spot.
Thanks Left Coast! I also agree with PhinPhreak about the wake-up call thing. A guy like Griese has alot of pride and if indeed he is cut he'll be on a mission to prove them wrong. People are still mad that we didn't draft Drew Brees and instead took Fletcher and by getting Griese now that would put an end to that whole deal by getting the young "stud" "name" Q.B. Dave wouldn't have his nose rubbed in that mistake anymore. What a story it would be- Former Dolphin hero Bob Grieses son leads the Miami Dolphins to the Superbowl! I think it would be a Masterstroke! We need a GREAT passing attack to go with our GREAT running attack, then we'll have an offense to be reckened with. The weakness this year was the lack of a true NFL passing attack and we can fix it by bringing in Griese, resigning Konrad and getting one more top tier reciever to compliment Chambers. I watched the New England game 5 times and other than the one pass to McKnight Jay really didn't get anything done. Totally unacceptable for your Q.B. to throw for 110 yards in the biggest game of the year fighting for your playoff life. The pass to McKnight could have been picked and run back the other way, watch it again if you taped the game, we got luckey there. With the game on the line Fiedler couldn't hit a pass to get us a first down. I know we should have run in that situation but we didn't and the way they were crowding the line it should have been easy to hit a pass. Jays number was called and he didn't come through. This was a team loss and not the fault of one player but I'd sure like to see more firepower from the passing game next year. I think Brian Griese could do better.
I would welcome the open competition but tell the truth Griese wouldn't beat out Fiedler.I agree Broncos Fan about Griese not being cut.I'm pretty sury they will approach Griese about paycut and chances are he will take it.
I remember reading somewhere that Griese may retire and that he contemplated quitting while at Michigan. Sounds like this guy has some issued and considering quitting a couple of times really makes you wonder about his performance under pressure.
He performs well under pressure and doesn't have any real "issues". He just has always wanted to do other things with his life. Particularly, he has a lot of volunteer projects going on right now and he definitely has more of a passion for that sort of work than football....

I don't think he ever saw himself as an NFL QB and was surprised more than anything when Denver gave him the huge contract. I think the money more than anything else is keeping him in the game right now. Money that will help him run his projects after he retires....which could very well happen if he's cut by the Broncos.
Nonetheless if he's not committed he wouldn't sign with us as a backup. We should feel him out about coming here to be a backup and unofficially competing for the start.

The chances are not good. Like its been said, there are teams out there lookin for a starter. He wouldn't show up to back up Jay Fiedler when he could start. Plus, if the market for him as a starter DOES fall out from beneath him (also a possibility considering his likely being cut on June 1st), then the whole commitment to football issue comes into play. He'd likely only be offered the ability to compete for a start, and not on a good team either. So, if he's not committed to football, this would be the time to retire. He doesn't have money issues, he's collected plenty from Denver.

So, if he does sign with us or someone else as a backup, its because he likely has a renewed interest in football. An epiphany.
Why would Grises take a pay cut for a team he doesn't want to play for? No one in Denver has confidence in him and he won't be back. Denver is looking at Plummer, or probably drafting a QB. Griese won't be back.
Griese took a pay cut last season, the first year under his new contract. There's no reason right now to believe he wouldn't do the same again if asked.

Read anything Rod Smith and Eddie Mac have said about him and you will take back the comment about "no confidence."

Denver is not looking at Plummer. They would never be able to sign him and fit him under the cap. Any mention of his name in the media or elsewhere are just empty thoughts to make people excited or passionate about something in the long off-season.

The Broncos are hoping Beuerlein will agree to return, if for no other reason than to spend the year grooming whatever QB they draft this year (probably a first or second rounder, despite what Shanny has said so far).
I honestly don't think it's a gimme that he's gone.

If Beuerlein retires, Griese will definitely be back. Even if Beuerlein returns, though, Griese could also stick around if he's willing to compete for the starting role. I don't see why Griese wouldn't be open to the competition, seeing as how he looked better against the first stringers than Beuerlein looked against the backups in the pre-season games last year, and looked at least as good as Beuerlein during the regular season....and Beuerlein will now be a year older.

In short, the only way I see Griese being cut is if he refuses a pay cut or refuses to compete for the starting job.

No matter what happens between Griese and Beuerlein, though, I still see them drafting a QB early this year...
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