Pics will not load | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Pics will not load


Champion Of The Beards!
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
Mooresville, NC
For some reason pictures have stopped loading on my computer. It will load the page and say 3 items remaining or ever how many there are and never load. What is wrong? Does anyone know? I have cable.
oh and the avatars won't load either but there are no red X or anything.
In internet explorer, Click on Tools then Internet Options. Then click on the Security tab and try to lower your security levels..hope this helps
WeVie said:
For some reason pictures have stopped loading on my computer. It will load the page and say 3 items remaining or ever how many there are and never load. What is wrong? Does anyone know? I have cable.

Mine 2 Whatz up I cant load sigs&avitars what gives ? I haven violated TOS have I ?
gonick1 said:
Mine 2 Whatz up I cant load sigs&avitars what gives ? I haven violated TOS have I ?
I think it is a problem with Internet Explorer that happens from time to time. It even happens to me sometimes. Sometimes when I type in FinHeaven I get redirected to Google. It usually fixes itself in a few minutes.
What browser are you guys using?

And can you be more specific as to what pictures won't load?

See if you can tell me which pictures exactly won't load.

To do this in IE, right click the image, or the red X where it's supposed to be, and go down to properties. It should list the type as some sort of image... jpeg, gif, png, etc.

Below that is a section that says "Address (URL)". You should be able to highlight it, rightclick to copy and then paste it here in a reply. I'd appreciate your assistance in this matter, as I've not seen any indications of any problems on our end.
phinphanphrommi said:
What browser are you guys using?

And can you be more specific as to what pictures won't load?

See if you can tell me which pictures exactly won't load.

To do this in IE, right click the image, or the red X where it's supposed to be, and go down to properties. It should list the type as some sort of image... jpeg, gif, png, etc.

Below that is a section that says "Address (URL)". You should be able to highlight it, rightclick to copy and then paste it here in a reply. I'd appreciate your assistance in this matter, as I've not seen any indications of any problems on our end.
I dont know how specific I can be Um for me it started yesterday I responded 2 some kids thread about Zach ageing I slapped in a pic of zach for him and that wuz the lasttime I could? Ill go find the thread :Zach is not to old

Now Thats messed up it works fine ? I'm stumped I swear though It didnt work most of yesterday and until now today. Thanx 4 Your help-STU
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