Player's Contracts | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Player's Contracts


It's Only Happened ONCE!
May 18, 2004
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Does it bother anyone to see so many NFL players that have ONE decent year hold out for more money after they signed a CONTRACT? Seems like they all feel justified to hold out for some mega signing bonus with multiple YEARS remaining on thier deal. What up with that? All this does is put the teams behind and create animosity IMO. Why would Edgirrin James not report to camp when is is GUARANTEED $8M! :eek: Poor guy! :cry: :shakeno:

How do you belive these situations should be handled?
The way I see it is that the NBA will go on a lockout this year, the NHL is allready locked out, If this BS continues, everyone will go on a lockout...
Payton Manning is supposed to make 600,000 this year. If anyone deserves to hold out, its him. But he's not. Class act. Unlike some players here in Philly....,
FemaleFinFan said:
Payton Manning is supposed to make 600,000 this year. If anyone deserves to hold out, its him. But he's not. Class act. Unlike some players here in Philly....,

payton will make alot more than 600k this year.....14.2 to be exact
Players like TO need to be slapped. He JUST signed his deal prior to last year. I'm glad the Eggles are telling him to "stuff it". Edge on the other hand, I can sort of understand. He's looking for long term stability in the NFL life. If he plays and blows out his knee this year he'll have is 8 million, but if he were to sign a long term deal he'd be making roughly that per year for the next 3-5 years. I still don't like players who hold out, ala Javon Walker, if you've signed a contract I expect you to honor your contract. If you got hurt making 750K a year would you restructure so as to save the team money? My guess is no. Like I said though, Edge hasn't "signed" a contract.
I understand when certain players do it. I honestly believe Edgerrin James should have gotten a longer contract instead of being franchised, what he does for the team is very important. Edge is the guy who bails Peyton Manning out (:eek: You mean he's not perfect!?), he takes little dump off passes and goes 20+ yards with them. He's the guy that keeps the offense from stalling when they're more likely to do so. In the AFC title game against the Pats, Edge was out. Without being able to establish a running game, Peyton Manning had to throw... and he did, he threw three interceptions to Ty Law.
However, holding out isn't the right way to go about things. I love what McMichael said recently "why would I hold out? What would that prove?" A player obviously felt fine with their contract when they signed it. If they underachieved, the organization wouldn't pay them less.
The TO situation is a tough one for me. Terrell Owens is easily the best receiver in the league, no one compares. He can talk all he wants because he puts up big numbers to back it up. He had 14 TD's in less than a whole season and he gave the Eagles an attitude that made everyone believe they could win. BUT! He signed a (pretty large) long-term contract a year ago, have things changed so drastically that he's going to hold out now? A guy who's been in the league ten years should be happy he has a contract that will support him until he's 38 years old!
Like that movie "The Replacements" explained, it's guys complaining about wanting to make $8 million a year instead of $7 million.
Edge wants a long term deal for the same reason as everyone, upfront money.. He will be payed 8million this year but if he gets hurt, he never gets paid again.. If he signed say a 6 year 40million contract with a 12million dollar bonus that is much better deal for the player.. If get hurts he keeps his 12 and whatever he earned in the 1st year of his 6 year deal.. To bad I don't get a signing bonus at my new job..
There are a lot of punks like TO out there and it does bug me when they pull that stuff. If you sign the contract then you should deal with the terms.

Dr. Dolphin 24/7
BenchFiedler said:
The way I see it is that the NBA will go on a lockout this year, the NHL is allready locked out, If this BS continues, everyone will go on a lockout...
I hope it doesn't happen, but I think you might be right about the NBA lock out next season. And if NBA goes on lockout... I think anything's possible.
FinsFanatic said:
payton will make alot more than 600k this year.....14.2 to be exact

Nope, his base salary is only $665,000 for this upcoming season.
In the end everyone who plays pro sports, NFL to be exact should consider it a privilage not a right. If a player doesn't want to show up to camp or not play because $8 million a year isn't enough, then you know what...cut them. These players make so much money that it sickening....and to hear them b*tch like little girls because their multimillion dollar deals aren't good enough is silly. :shakeno: Back in the days players played this sport for the love and its sad that its all come down to money. But, don't get me wrong I still love this game with a passion!
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