Playing Time this weekend | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Playing Time this weekend


FinHeaven VIP
May 9, 2008
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New York
I am very hesitant to make another QB thread because I don't want people to start hating on each other, but I thought I would go ahead anyway (I am very slow when it comes to this hi-tech stuff and there is supposed to be a poll attached. I have no clue what happened to it)

My question is variegated:

Barring unexpected injury (allowing the argument that CP may go down this year), do you think our 4 QBs destinies with this team are already decided? Can they change their status with the team if they play poorly or well in the next few weeks of preseason? Can playing time tomorrow impact the QB position for the season?

Personally, I think so.

I believe the Chad's are definitely making the team. I think CP would have to get injured or play horribly to not be the starter game 1. Other than that, barring the availability of some better option not yet on the team, we are waiting to see how Beck and McCown do to see who makes it. The order of play will depend on how well they play. I see from Henne having shown a spark and getting extra practice time then losing it when he couldn't capitalize as an indication that the positions are not set in stone and that everyone has a chance to vie for at least the back up spot.

Final point, my question is not whether you believe a QB has or does not have the ability to play well, just whether performance CAN make a difference in determining their future with the team still. (So no, "he sucks, he won't make it" responses. But "he could win the position if he played well, but he won't cuz he sucks" is perfectly acceptable).
I would like to think this weekend's game and the remainder of preseason could change their fate.

I would hate to think we have such buffoons in the FO that they would cut a player that is showing improvement just because they have their mind set on doing so.

If the trifecta doesn't like Beck and he goes out and impresses over the next couple weeks, we better not see him gone. I will lose alot of faith in their reasoning and judgement if they cut a player that continues to show improvement.
I would like to think this weekend's game and the remainder of preseason could change their fate.

I would hate to think we have such buffoons in the FO that they would cut a player that is showing improvement just because they have their mind set on doing so.

If the trifecta doesn't like Beck and he goes out and impresses over the next couple weeks, we better not see him gone. I will lose alot of faith in their reasoning and judgement if they cut a player that continues to show improvement.

I mostly agree although I think they could leverage (the theoretical) Beck's improved play for a trade, which, depending on the quality of the trade, wouldn't bother me.
I would like to think this weekend's game and the remainder of preseason could change their fate.

I would hate to think we have such buffoons in the FO that they would cut a player that is showing improvement just because they have their mind set on doing so.

If the trifecta doesn't like Beck and he goes out and impresses over the next couple weeks, we better not see him gone. I will lose alot of faith in their reasoning and judgement if they cut a player that continues to show improvement.

I'm sure if Beck shows improvement they wouldn't cut him. They may trade him but I doubt they would cut him this quickly.

It doesn't help the team at all to cut a player that is showing potential because as we get closer to dress rehearsal and the start of the season teams may come knocking for him.

I'm wondering if he'll get any time this weekend any ways. Has there been any news of how the snaps will be going this weekend?

I may have missed something.
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