Posting a Training Camp Article? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Posting a Training Camp Article?


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA

As some may recall from last season, we have put together our training camp archive once again. Basically, we have post this "system" in place to make it easy for viewers to find training camp articles that have been posted on the forums.

So, if you've attended training camp and have posted a training camp article, please take the extra 10 seconds to click on the "Link a Training Camp Article" link in the header. Then, simply fill in the respective fields.

Title: Simply put the title of your post
URL: Copy the address from the post to this field
Author: Your username

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you all for your help and understanding. I promise you that this will be an extremely useful feature!

Andrew Tatum
I would like to add it would be useful to post the DATE at the top of the post. After tons of these reports start cropping up, reading a post that says... This morning... or ... last week, becomes kind of meaningless. Especially since some posters wait a day or two to post their report... this makes things kind of confusing to follow when we have one report saying a certain player looked great, and another saying they were horrible, not knowing they were accounts of two different practice sessions.
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