Posts removed | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Posts removed

Mr. Clump

I deleted that post. The reason why is explained at length here:

There was nothing inherently wrong with your post. It was only removed because it happened to be appended to a couple other posts that appeared to malign a member (and veteran) in good standing. Please read the explanation and let me know if you have concerns about how I handled it.

The mystery is solved! I've been following the developments all day. I must say, I enjoyed the surprise ending. :D
It seems as P4E is always behind these things. Like the time he changed my font to pink! :angry: But I have to admit it was :roflmao: Hilarious.
This matter does point back to the soundness of the general policy that we mods and admins should delete things only in the rarest of circumstances.

Despite this having been a good-faith effort on my part to prevent a member from being unfairly maligned, my taking the shortcut approach of just deleting the posts in question led to a lot of confusion and then took more of my time to explain the background than it would have taken for me to do the right thing in the first place...

The right thing to do would have been for me to enter an "FYI" mod note saying that MDFinFan replied to this question in another thread, and then I could just plug in the link to it.

Muck understands these things. He's tried to make all the mods understand these things. Sometimes we just feel the need to touch the burner anyway. Then we learn.:)
P4E said:
Mr. Clump

I deleted that post. The reason why is explained at length here:

There was nothing inherently wrong with your post. It was only removed because it happened to be appended to a couple other posts that appeared to malign a member (and veteran) in good standing. Please read the explanation and let me know if you have concerns about how I handled it.


That's Sir Clump ;)

Boy are the boards slow.....what goin' on? :foundout:

Ok.....I was only looking for my post and didn't see the explanation for removal. My apologies.

Muck has gone mad with power.
He must be stopped.
By any means necessary.
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