The Confessor
Doesnt play well with others
Okay, I know I am still a newbie here, but thought I would throw something out. Guess I'm not one to sit idle for long.:wink:
In the Lounge there was a thread started at one time, whereas the thread originator was going to make a "Picture Wall" of all members that sent in a pic of themselves. It didnt work out too well
A) I think the orginator was overwhelmed with the response.
2) I think the originator was banned.....
Here in the Premium section I would like to throw out the same idea...however, I am not a graphics type of person. Although I do drive 3-d models all day long, that doesnt translate into nice Photoshop images...
I think it would be nice to see faces behind those priviledged enough to reside here in the penthouse.
In the Lounge there was a thread started at one time, whereas the thread originator was going to make a "Picture Wall" of all members that sent in a pic of themselves. It didnt work out too well
A) I think the orginator was overwhelmed with the response.
2) I think the originator was banned.....
Here in the Premium section I would like to throw out the same idea...however, I am not a graphics type of person. Although I do drive 3-d models all day long, that doesnt translate into nice Photoshop images...
I think it would be nice to see faces behind those priviledged enough to reside here in the penthouse.