Props and THANKS! to GB fans for... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Props and THANKS! to GB fans for...

-81- McMichael

Active Roster
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
St. Augie-Doggie
... these last two weeks. You've all, by far, been the most respectable and informed fans we've been able to "banter" with here. Best of luck on Monday night! Weeeeeell... not TOO much luck, anywayz. ;)

:up: Green Bay fans
Originally posted by -81- McMichael
... these last two weeks. You've all, by far, been the most respectable and informed fans we've been able to "banter" with here. Best of luck on Monday night! Weeeeeell... not TOO much luck, anywayz. ;)

:up: Green Bay fans
you think it is because they do not eat enough cheese in western NY and NYC that they are :evil:

GB fans are great - thanks for stopping by and as Lindsay would say "See you at the Superbowl!"
Well it certainly has been fun visiting your board.

Good luck Monday (as well as the rest of the season) and may the Pack and Fins finish out the season without any (more in the Packs case) season ending injuries.

One final thing.

Do me a favor. Beat the crap out of NE when you play they in Foxboro. :)

For those of you who will be traveling to NE to see the game, here is a heads up about the new stadium.

Evidently they only put the mens rooms on the first level, none on the 2nd or 3rd level. While this did not affect me, I heard the guys had to wait 20+ minutes to use the restroom.
Thanks. It's been fun. I'll be back on Tuesday, win or lose for some post game banter.
Don't worry, ass-whooping of the Patriots is always fun. We can all rejoice together when we see each other in San Diego in January. Good luck to you for the rest of the season, fun having you, and GO PHINS!
I've been posting over on the Time Four Packers MB's and they truely are the coolest group of fans that I've met on any set of boards (no offense guys here in FinHeaven). They were always hospitable, and always kept the banter light spirited. After this week I wish we played these guys more often; how 'bout we set a date to meet them in San Diego in...say....January so we can chat it up and beat them in the Super Bowl. :lol: :evil: :p
hey expo88, do you ride? I noticed your Specialized trade mark. I have S-works road frame I race with.
I agree the closer to Wisconsin you are the better the fans become. Unfortunatly the Packer fans where I live are mostly jackasses but thats due to having to fight with Lions fans alot. And where I live (U.P. of Mich) it's close to the Packer/Lion boarder so it gets pretty heated.
As far as the posters on this board go, I also agree that most of them have been fun to read and talk with.
Originally posted by Hellion
I agree the closer to Wisconsin you are the better the fans become. Unfortunatly the Packer fans where I live are mostly jackasses but thats due to having to fight with Lions fans alot. And where I live (U.P. of Mich) it's close to the Packer/Lion boarder so it gets pretty heated.
As far as the posters on this board go, I also agree that most of them have been fun to read and talk with.

where about's in the U.P. do you live? Did you get that snow last night?
Yeah I have to agree with evryone in this thread that the Pack Fans have been by far the classiest bunch yet. Much better than the Broncos and especially Bills fans. Lets just hope you don't blow it if you win on Monday and start gloating cuz then I would be :fire:
Thanks Fin Fans!

It's been a good couple of weeks. The one thing I will say is that is easier to get along with fans who aren't rooting for teams in your division. Facing a team twice a year each season builds up a lot of bad blood.

But I really think this is a great board here. Just make sure your Dolphins beat all the NFC contenders for us so we can see you again in San Diego!! :band:
Originally posted by Squirrel

Do me a favor. Beat the crap out of NE when you play they in Foxboro. :).

I understand why you might have a grudge against NE. That was a dirty hit Richard Seymor laid on that O-lineman.(Forgot his name)

Good luck on your season, after this game.;)
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