Punter news | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Punter news


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
nothing too exciting:

Dolphins | Five Punters In Town - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
23:27 PT: Chris Perkins of the Sun Sentinel reports the Miami Dolphins had five street free agent punters in for workouts Wednesday. Among those in attendance Wednesday were Jason Van Dyke, Don Isman, Steve Cheeks, Josh Boies and John Armatrano.

and from http://www.gopbi.com/sports/football/dolphins/04/10.html

• Giving it a boot: Free-agent punter Mark Royals will work out for the Dolphins on Thursday.

Royals, entering his 14th season, had a 40.7-yard average and a 34.2-yard net for Tampa Bay last season. Matt Turk, who appears to be out of the Dolphins' price range, had a 41-yard average with a 37.6-yard net. Royals had 26 punts inside the 20; Turk had 28.

Royals also is one of the league's better holders. The Dolphins will try out other punters today. Purdue's Travis Dorsch visited and could be a draft possibility.
We can get Dorsch for cheaper and he is someone we can retain. Royals is OLD and we may have to start looking again soon for a punter. If we can get Dorsch in round 5 with the comp pick, we will have our punter problems solved for a while and he will come cheap.

If Turk can't get the green elsewhere...

why not sign him to a longer contract.

After all if it's as easy as picking up the pig skin and giving it a thump, I'll do it for the vet minimum. (Coming from a soccer background I can give it some "welly", no prob.).

Meanwhile on planet earth Turk's done a good job and if the market isn't what he thinks it is, he may well have to settle.
We could sign for long term with Mark Royals, but he is in his mid fortys. Im not saying he physically can't do it, but he may be looking to retire soon. And his ability is only declining.
Re: If Turk can't get the green elsewhere...

that s/b our #1 option still to try an bring Turk back and more importantly keep him from becoming a Jet :evil:
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