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put this up so everybody can read it!


Super Donator
Club Member
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
1000 yds means nothing. when the players only had 12 games to get to that level, then it was something. now you have 4 more games to get it and if you average 62.5 yds/game, wow you're a 1000yd rusher. whoopee!:D
just goes to show how pathetic it is that we have only had 2 1000 yard rusher since 1978
i know...............

Originally posted by dolphan39
just goes to show how pathetic it is that we have only had 2 1000 yard rusher since 1978
i put that up because everybody is talking about RW having 1200 yds like its some big deal. average 75 yds a game and you have your 1200. i think 900 by lamar with the line we had was better!:eek:
but RW is 24 years old and caught 60 passes as well. He also had 300+ more yards that Lamar with the same amount of carries; albeit with an excellent OL.
no, i don't disagree on that count!

RW is the man to get if we don't have to sell our souls to get him, i was just pointing out that 1200 yds is not that big a deal. now if somebody wants to talk potential, thats no secret. he has that!:D
Ricky got 1000 in 10 games a two years ago, and then got injured. This year he had something around 1300 yards rushing, and he is also a good catching RB.
that is not the point i was trying to make

i simply meant there are more imortant factors than total yds!

Jim Jensen had a 141.4 passing rating. does that make him better than marino, no. lets look a little farther, he was 4/7 with 2 tds. i guess he's not is he. i also said i DID think ricky was the man, but don't look at the total yardage!
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