Q & A Live with Rick Spielman | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Q & A Live with Rick Spielman


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Q & A Live with Rick Spielman

Welcome to the Q & A Live with Rick Spielman, Senior Vice President-Player Personnel for the Miami Dolphins. Q & A Live with Rick Spielman will begin Wednesday, April 17. Below you will find the answers to the questions that you have been asking today. If you would like to ask a question, click the link below.

Ask Rick Spielman a Question
Q: Considering the likelihood that Chris Chambers will be playing a profoundly larger role in the Dolphin's offense this season, will the team attempt to draft a lesser sought after receiver or running back to step into the kick return slot?


A: We'll probably looking at using Travis Minor more this year as a kickoff returner, but we are looking at returners in the draft as well.
Ya that seems to be the only "newsworthy" thing that came out of that chat. Good to hear though. I've been an avid supporter of Minor as a returner.
mark 4/9/2002

since you have now filled the postion of running back with additions of ricky williams, what other postions will you be looking for in the draft?


We'll be looking at offensive linemen, tight ends, linebackers and any players at other positions that may come in and upgrade us.

from http://www.miamidolphins.com/interactive/qalive/qalive.asp
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