Quick thoughts on today's game | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Quick thoughts on today's game


Seasoned Veteran
May 2, 2002
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Jay Fiedler did not look good at all today. I have been one of his biggest supporters, but the last two weeks he has just looked BAD. This is not the same Fiedler we saw at the beginning of last year. I'm not saying it is time to pull him... yet... but the coaches DEFINITELY need to pull him aside and let him know he needs to improve.

THAT SAID... todays performance was NOT all his fault. Our offensive line looked AWFUL today. There were ZERO holes in the running game... I take that back... there were gaping holes that defenders were flying through. Ricky was hit in the backfield on nearly every run. In pass blocking there was RARELY an instance where there was a solid pocket around Fiedler. Yes, Fiedler had an adequite amount of time to throw, and there were a FEW times where it seemed he had all day, but the pocket was ALWAYS collapsing, and Fiedler had to adjust his positioning to get his feel set. Plus, there were no passing lanes for him to throw into.

The Wide Receivers also were not CONSISTENTLY getting open. I know someone is going to come and say I saw "XXXX" wide open and Fiedler didn't see him. Well, on the few plays where that was the case, Fiedler was being flushed out of the pocket. For the most part they were not getting open, and that is with them being singled up for most of the game.

I HAVE to give it up to Norv Turner though... with nearly EVERYTHING going wrong on offense he found ways to salvage a sputtering offense and move the ball and make points. The offensive MVP of this game has to go to the man in the booth.

...... With all that said, the game actually went about how I pictured it in my head prior to this game. Especially with our offense. I knew going in the Giants D would be tough, and that our offense would struggle. But, I didn't expect our COACHING to be so good. When is the last time we have been able to say that our offensive COACHING helped win us a game on the road??? That is a MAJOR thing to be enthused about coming out of this game.

BUT... the MOST impressive thing about this game. OUR DEFENSE!!! That is the first time in two years I have seen our defense give up a dominating performance like that ON THE ROAD. Last year in our road games, they were invisible!!! But, they as looked fired up as they usually do at home. If that is a sign of things to come, then this team CAN do what all of us hope they do.

This is a GREAT win for our team and hopefully will be a momentum booster. A big win like that on the road means a lot... especially with our team's recent past. Hopefully we can keep it up. Ok... so much for that being a "quick" post.
I get the felling like the defense is just better with more wrinkles and they trust the Offense and norv to get the job done to win.
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