Qunicy Wilson highlight reel | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Qunicy Wilson highlight reel

Who gives a rats ars about Quincy Wilson?
If somebody would tell me how to delete this thread, i'd be more than glad to...lol

My bad you guys, somebody told me last night that Quincy played for miami
Avon Cobourne does.....he played at WVU. Him and KayJay are the only Mountaineers in Miami.
Yea....Now that you menchun that, it could have been avon coeburn...LMAO

my bad you guys....So how do you delete this thread?

My bad man, to many wvu running backs,

First it was Famous amous zeroue, then it was avon coeburn, then quincy wilson, then Kay Jay

It all gets confusing after a while
Actually Quincy plays for Atlanta, drafted by them in the 7th last year. He started over Kay Jay last year. He is awesome, i played high school ball with him and the North South game with him. He isnt as big as Kay Jay but prolly runs just as hard and is prolly a better overall back.
Wasnt Quincy the one who ran over Meriweather in the WVU vs Miami game two years ago on the screen pass. We almost lost the game because of that play, luckily we came back thanks to some amazing plays in the final few minutes.
WvFinFan said:
Actually Quincy plays for Atlanta, drafted by them in the 7th last year. He started over Kay Jay last year. He is awesome, i played high school ball with him and the North South game with him. He isnt as big as Kay Jay but prolly runs just as hard and is prolly a better overall back.

NFL.com shows him with the Bengals?:http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/493124

Falcons roster: Not there:http://www.nfl.com/teams/rosters/ATL

Bengals roster: There:http://www.nfl.com/teams/rosters/CIN

Just for good measure: ESPN Bengals roster: There:http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/teams/roster?team=cin

Apparently didn't stay with Atlanta. According to this Bengals board, they signed him during the season sometime??:http://forums.bengalszone.com/index.php?showtopic=4838
WvFinFan said:
Actually Quincy plays for Atlanta, drafted by them in the 7th last year. He started over Kay Jay last year. He is awesome, i played high school ball with him and the North South game with him. He isnt as big as Kay Jay but prolly runs just as hard and is prolly a better overall back.

Another WV Fin fan! You go to WVU as well?
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