Raider Invasion!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Raider Invasion!!!

Raidaz Freak

Sonny Crockett
Dec 14, 2001
Reaction score
Seen some o' you guys over at the Raiders board before so figured I'd return the courtesy. Figure we'll see you in the playoffs if you make it that far.:evil:
Actually I can't say much, you guys beat us in your house, it just seems like the Jets have your number. Good luck this weekend, I'm no 9'ers fan for sure. This site's pretty cool, I might hang out a bit. Cool pictures, but what's with the ancient Van Halen cover with the angel smoking? Is that guy stuck in the 80's or what?:lol:
Raider Invasion? :lol: HAHAHAHAHA! :lol: Hide the women and children!! :eek: We are about to be invaded by the Gayder Nation!! :rolleyes: :lol:

Welcome to the Fish Tank :evil: but be very careful of the Raider Hater piranha. ;) :lol:

Personally, I would LOVE a playoff re-match!! :D
Thanks for the invite, I've seen your name before. I think it was on a Raider board doin some trash talk. You're pretty good at it by the way. Hey I'm a Raider fan but I'm honest. And I honestly don't think you can take us again.:D
Originally posted by dolfan201
As long as it's in our house this time....

Why? I'm NOT AFRAID of the Black Hole! :lol: Although, I would LOVE the opportunity to attend 2 Raider ass beatings in one season! :D
Originally posted by Raidaz Freak
Thanks for the invite, I've seen your name before. I think it was on a Raider board doin some trash talk. You're pretty good at it by the way.

WOW!! :eek: I'm famous!! :lol: Thank you!! :D I'll TRY to be gentle with you. ;)
I don't know...They did lose to the Cardinals in Oakland :D
Originally posted by miadphan13

Why? I'm NOT AFRAID of the Black Hole! :lol: Although, I would LOVE the opportunity to attend 2 Raider ass beatings in one season! :D
Dolphins Hottie, if you make it to the playoffs in Oakland, I will BUY you a ticket. Now either I really don't think you'll make it or I really want you to go.......:D
Originally posted by dolfan201
As long as it's in our house this time....

We'll take on anybody in the playoff as long as it is at home and win (except the you-know-who's :o not the raiders)
Originally posted by Raidaz Freak
If you make it to the playoffs in Oakland, I will BUY you a ticket. Now either I really don't think you'll make it or I really want you to go.......:D

:lol: What makes you think we will play you in Oakland! :lol:

Welcome BACK to Miami! :D

AND this time the "temperature" WON'T play a factor. :evil:

Whatever the temp, I'll still be wearing my black at the games. We'll see what happens with you guys in the next 2 games. Your team might need more than a few band-aids after those 2 games. And if you have to play us again, I hope ya bring some painkillaz'!:evil: :lol:
Originally posted by Raidaz Freak
Your team might need more than a few band-aids after those 2 games. And if you have to play us again, I hope ya bring some painkillaz'!:evil: :lol:

Your Raiders will need more than band-aids after our Defense gets done with you. :evil: How soon you forget Manning's broken jaw and Cota's broken nose. I think your guys will be needing the painkillers in the "House of Pain" :lol:
The "House of Pain" ? That sounds like a song or something. You remind me of "Beautiful Girls". The Raidaz are going to be "Unchained" next time we play. So come on down to "Mean Street".;) If you think Miami is "Good Enough" then good luck 'cause that's what "Dreams" are made of. Then after the game we can "Dance the Night Away".:D
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