Random Musings | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Random Musings


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
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Atlanta, GA
Hey peeps check out this article by Jason.... its great and really funny... check it out... More Random Musings

Has some great jokes in it... so if you're lookin for a few laughs or want to read something great.... check it out :cool:
Well... 47 people from the boards have read the article and not one person responded about it... :rolleyes:

Any comments? :goof:
Jason, funny stuff...polishing a turd is what you call a Buffalo uniform change? LMAO

As always Jason................

Originally posted by FinHeavenAJ
Well... 47 people from the boards have read the article and not one person responded about it... :rolleyes:

Any comments? :goof:

writes a knowledgable, yet humorous at the same time article. Jason knows my opinion on what he writes.:cool:
Great article! You brought up something that puzzles me.

*It brings me great pleasure to announce that the Jacksonville Jaguars will battle Houston for the worst record in the NFL in 2002-2003. With all the players they lost either via the dreaded salary cap, or via free agency, it is going to be a long, LONG season in Jax. As I state this, again.. one thing comes to mind.. Serves you bastards right!! Enjoy 0 for the season you prick Coughlin. Couldn't have happened to a better guy. I hope you passing up the Notre Dame gig comes back to bite you squarely in your polka dotted ass. To those wondering, no this has nothing to do with him bypassing the Notre Dame job, however the Dolphin fans will know why my hatred for Jacksonville runs deeper than that of any team in the NFL. All I will say is Dan's Last Stand. Nuff Said.

I don't understand why Jacksonville has been in cap hell eversince the humiliated our Dolpins in the playoffs:fire: Coughlin is the biggest joke! Why didn't he deal with the problem when it came up instead of keeping it going for 3 seasons now? Maybe they have been cursed by the football gods for makeing the best QB in the history of the game go out on such a sour note.
I find it odd how the 1999 Jackonsville team only lost to one team all season long, the Titans.
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