Rapoport: Drastic penalties not expected for bullygate | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rapoport: Drastic penalties not expected for bullygate

And the Dolphins probably know this, hence bringing over John Benton, who was Houston's offensive line coach for eight years. That's a steep resume for an assistant offensive line coach.

Even Turner knows, probably.
Yeah considering if you look at the two resumes purely on paper their roles would be reversed.
My theory on Jim Turner still having his job. If he was already fired the team wouldn't have a fall guy available after the report comes out. Seems like they are keeping him just so they can have an action to take after the report. Benton is overqualified to be an assistant.

As I was reading this thread.....I was thinking the same thing. The overqualified assistant lends me to believe it might be true....
Now if only we can get that weasel QB coach off this team. He has no claim anymore, and didn't have credibility to begin with. I would feel A LOT better, if and when those two are gone.
Completely agreed. Ive been saying this from the start. Nothing will happen to Miami. Its really as simply as that.
example of what? that guys can't be guys in a locker room anymore? lol this is a complete joke. nothing will happen to the dolphins, as far as draft picks or suspensions go.

That can't be, I was told that Jonathan Martin was a brave, righteous hero who fought the good fight for me and people like me. Jon Martin was the last line of defense protecting me against Mitt Romney, Elvis impersonators, and Al-Jazeera.

This truly is a dark day for America. There are no more heroes.

Lmfao!!!! Post of the year so far. Well done JDW.

That can't be, I was told that Jonathan Martin was a brave, righteous hero who fought the good fight for me and people like me. Jon Martin was the last line of defense protecting me against Mitt Romney, Elvis impersonators, and Al-Jazeera.

This truly is a dark day for America. There are no more heroes.

One media guy claimed "he sits on the shoulders of MLK" back when the story broke...ugh

That can't be, I was told that Jonathan Martin was a brave, righteous hero who fought the good fight for me and people like me. Jon Martin was the last line of defense protecting me against Mitt Romney, Elvis impersonators, and Al-Jazeera.

This truly is a dark day for America. There are no more heroes.

JM a "hero"? Sweet Jeebus; I hope it doesn't come w/ tuna or meatballs. I'd bet it has swiss cheese in honor of all the wholes in JM's story.
I didn't like Sherman and I don't like Turner either. I don't care for the way the talk to the players.
I'll be a character witness for Martin if it means Turner gets the boot.

That can't be, I was told that Jonathan Martin was a brave, righteous hero who fought the good fight for me and people like me. Jon Martin was the last line of defense protecting me against Mitt Romney, Elvis impersonators, and Al-Jazeera.

This truly is a dark day for America. There are no more heroes.

I can't believe no one said it yet. Must be my turn today.

Martin is a SNAKE.
Richie incognito ‏@68INCOGNITO 2m

Suspended NFL player Richie Incognito claims texts show Jonathan Martin wasn't bullied | Fox News http://fxn.ws/1fiVlR3 via

Fox News ‏@FoxNews 16m

Suspended #NFL player Richie #Incognito claims texts show Jonathan #Martin wasn't bullied http://fxn.ws/1eiuEwa via @CGasparino
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