Ready for Madden to kiss Farve ass all night? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ready for Madden to kiss Farve ass all night?


Championship or nothing.
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
los angeles
Im tired of hearing Madden on Farve nuts sack everytime on MNF even when he not playing. Expect a heavy dose of this crap.
Yea, me too. My mute button will be working overtime and around the house you'll be hearing a lot of "F you Madden" haha
Well Madden is a pure NFC guy. Always has been. Even if the Dolphins start winning, you'll still hear him harp on about how Favre is doing this or that. Just pray for a win and lets mute him.
The worst -- I mean the friggin WORST -- MNF gratuitous fawning comes when the Bucs play. They assign a cameraman to that bloated loudmouth Sapp fulltime, even when he's on the bench, and we get to see whether he's pickin his nose or mouthing off, or both. The stuff on the field just pales in comparison to the importance of isolating on Sapp drinking gatorade and passing gas.

There. I feel better now. Thanks for listening.
I think Madden blabbers about what ever team he is doing. Yes I know, he does sneak in Favre's name from time to time but.......

If it makes you feel any better, most Pack fans hit the mute button when Madden is on. :rolleyes: If we don't we compare notes on how many screw ups he makes during the game or how many stupid comments he makes (which are a lot ;) )
Originally posted by ronnie_augs
Im tired of hearing Madden on Farve nuts sack everytime on MNF even when he not playing. Expect a heavy dose of this crap.

I never like Madden....I was in shock when they picked him up for Monday night football.

This constant blabber about 60 years ago when he was in his 40s (:D ) gets on my nerves.
Mark my words, gang, and break out the stopwatch... the MNF producers will dedicate more total airtime to showing Favre ON THE SIDELINES than they'll use for Phins offensive plays. They decide who they want to pimp and glorify, and then they just never let up.

Nothin against Bret, he's top-notch. But MNF production can really suck-up, over and over and over and over....
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