Recieving Production | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Recieving Production


I am a golden god
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
IMO Chambers will have an 1,000 yard season,and since Booker and Boston would help spread out the defense. Mcmichael will probably get close to 1,000 but not quite (hopefully I'm wrong). Booker should have a good season too, although I cant says pecifically how many TD's or yards he gets but maybe he'll get around 750 or 850 yards. As for Boston I dont know. What's your take on this?

* I didnt put how many TD's they will get because thats a harder stat IMO to guess.
PatsSuck456 said:
IMO Chambers will have an 1,000 yard season,and since Booker and Boston would help spread out the defense. Mcmichael will probably get close to 1,000 but not quite (hopefully I'm wrong). Booker should have a good season too, although I cant says pecifically how many TD's or yards he gets but maybe he'll get around 750 or 850 yards. As for Boston I dont know. What's your take on this?

* I didnt put how many TD's they will get because thats a harder stat IMO to guess.

Nobody knows for sure. But I believe Chambers and McMike especially will have great seasons compared to what has happened under the previous system. Healthy Booker and Boston will help too!
chambers- 1100 mcmicheal-750 booker-650 boston-550 brown-450 thats what i think may happen if the offense lives up to its potential add all that on to a possible 1200 yard season with brown, hopefully...
If Boston stays healthy, he will have a great year.
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