Report: Dolphins LB Lawrence Timmons wanted to return to Steelers | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Report: Dolphins LB Lawrence Timmons wanted to return to Steelers


Active Roster
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Pattaya, Thailand

NEW YORK–The story of Lawrence Timmons’ sudden departure from the Miami Dolphins is more bizarre than it initially appeared.
As if it wasn’t strange enough that he deserted the team the day before its season opener in California, CBS reports that he was in Pittsburgh the previous week and expressed regret for leaving the Steelers in free agency.
The story says Timmons went to Pittsburgh when the team scattered ahead of Hurricane Irma and showed up somewhat unexpectedly at Steelers practice as they were preparing to face Cleveland. Some former teammates and coach Mike Tomlin were aware that he was coming to the facility, but many in the organization were surprised to see him.
I don't see how they would have kept him if this was the case so I'm not buying it
Hard to see a way back if that's true...

Very weird a seasoned pro from a classy team org like Pitt would screw up like this.
If this is true, **** him. Go back to Pittsburgh then asshole.
Does Pittsburgh even want him? If so, an we work a deal and get some of the cap hit reduced? At this point it's not worth keeping him, no matter how good he is.
The article seems to take a lot of liberty in their assumptions connecting his visit with Pittsburgh and his going AWOL. Not saying the two aren't related, but it could just be coincidence.
I knew this was the case all along. He bled black and yellow for 10 years. Even more, he visited the Steelers facility during our week 1 bye week. Reality finally sunk in that he will suit up for a different ball club, and his desires changed.

In all honestly, his actions are nothing against the Dolphins, but more so the Steelers. We all know they are a tight knit team who has a culture like no other. Even some of their players were trying to recruit him back to the Steelers immediately after. They knew.

Didn't Mike Pouncey go with him week 1? Come on, Mike. Without any facts, I would say bad move.

Small note: I was at my usual bar in Williamstown, NJ watching our Phins week 1. A lot of Steelers fans meet up on the second floor, and I brought up the news about Timmons once it actually became true. They all agreed it was because he is not a Steeler anymore. I did not agree initially, but what other explanations were there?

The nail in the coffin was when I heard he was on a plane BACK TO PITTSBURGH! But, without that, there are a lot of other reasons why this is the case.
This sucks but I find it believable. I mean think about it, lets say you were a fin fan, got drafted by the fins and played here to 10 years. All your friends are here and you love your life. Then your contract is over and you let your agent do his thing. You get a better deal some where else. Then after you get there you miss what you had. These guys are human with human emotions. I can see someone loving where they came from. I can't believe it doesn't happen more often. Maybe it does but the players aren't as vocal. Maybe this is why Case won't discuss it. If this is true and the fan base ever found out they could never accept him back.

Maybe it's BS or maybe it's true but personally as much as I don't like it I think it sounds possible. Not sure what I would do about it other than..... let him sit a few weeks and see how he responded, which is what seems to be happening.
Obviously Pitt let him go and it would be ridiculous to think he would go back under almost any case due to money.

Makes sense though because Gase looked so pissed at his presser. I think LT is fighting his own demons and regardless will be forced to play here or maybe with some sort of litigation between him and the fins. Don't believe you can sign a contract and bail guaranteed or not.

Hope is once he gets back and starts playing he'll snap out of whatever funks he is in. Have to bench him against Pitt though cause he'll most likely let them run for 500.
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