RFA Tenders | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

RFA Tenders


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
from http://www.gopbi.com/sports/football/dolphins/02/27.html
Noteworthy: The Dolphins will make tender offers this week to tight end Jed Weaver, who is a restricted free agent, and safety Trent Gamble and defensive end Adewale Ogunleye, who are exclusive rights free agents. Weaver's tender will be worth $563,000, and Gamble and Ogunleye will receive $387,000 tenders.

Not sure exactly what compensation we would get if these guys are signed elsewhere, if any

maybe it is in here: http://nflpa.org/members/main.asp?subPage=CBA+Complete#art18 ;)
From what I can figure out, it means we have right of first refusal or draft compensation in the round where those players were originally drafted. That means we would get a 7th rounder for Weaver if the Fins decide not to match an offer he receives from another team. From what I can find, I think Gamble and Ogunleye were college FA's so we wouldn't get any compensation for them.
EFAs Ogunleye and Ganble are exclusive property of the Fins....nobody can even talk to them until they are RFAs

Jed Weaver: if he was drafted by any team, the compensation is the rd he was drafted in. If he came into the NFL as a rookie FA, no compensation if another team signs him to offer sheet and Fins fail to match

If the qualfying offer was $1.227 million, his compensation would be a #1 regardless if he was drafted or not.
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