Rice admits to “illegal” use of stickum | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rice admits to “illegal” use of stickum

I think they destroyed them b/c many teams were doing it.

teams will always look for an edge. to act like NE became a dynasty b/c of this is silly. NE and Mia taped signals, NE won 3 SBs, Miami lost 38-3 and 62-7 in the playoffs.(I am not taking a shot at Miami, just noting how NE didn't win b/c of taping or any of the other nonsense).

That makes no sense. Why would you need to destroy NE's tapes if there are still tapes out there from 31 other teams that were doing the same thing? Cheating is cheating. It doesn't matter if a bad team cheated and didn't have the same success at it.

Like I said before, I have no issue with teams trying to gain an edge as long as it is within the rules. I don't believe that every team in the NFL was breaking the same rules NE was. NE violated the rules, and thanks to Goodell we won't know to what extent for a very long time. Because of that, it is fair game to question the impact it had.
That makes no sense. Why would you need to destroy NE's tapes if there are still tapes out there from 31 other teams that were doing the same thing? Cheating is cheating. It doesn't matter if a bad team cheated and didn't have the same success at it.

Like I said before, I have no issue with teams trying to gain an edge as long as it is within the rules. I don't believe that every team in the NFL was breaking the same rules NE was. NE violated the rules, and thanks to Goodell we won't know to what extent for a very long time. Because of that, it is fair game to question the impact it had.

the league didn't want it getting out and then rumblings of other teams coming out. this was not just a NE issue.

I think stickum or pumping in crowd noise is worse than a slightly underinflated ball. It's really all nonsense.
the league didn't want it getting out and then rumblings of other teams coming out. this was not just a NE issue.

I think stickum or pumping in crowd noise is worse than a slightly underinflated ball. It's really all nonsense.

I'm having trouble following your logic. It was already out when Mangini turned them in, and when Goodell issued the punishment. Everyone knew it was for filming defensive signals. It makes no sense to destroy the tapes if all that was on them was the team filming defensive signals. I don't buy it.

Fake crowd noise is a bigger deal to me, but deflating footballs to give you an advantage is still cheating. We'll see what turns up this time. With the way the last investigation was handled by Goodell, I don't expect much.
as a receiver he used a banned substance, but how many guys are using steroids? I think at this point, we have to admit there is nothing pure about football.

is there anything pure in any sport??? it seems just to be getting worse too

and even when you think you have a great role model, i guy to look up to... something off the field happens... totally blows your mind.
I'm having trouble following your logic. It was already out when Mangini turned them in, and when Goodell issued the punishment. Everyone knew it was for filming defensive signals. It makes no sense to destroy the tapes if all that was on them was the team filming defensive signals. I don't buy it.

Fake crowd noise is a bigger deal to me, but deflating footballs to give you an advantage is still cheating. We'll see what turns up this time. With the way the last investigation was handled by Goodell, I don't expect much.

the league and all the teams wanted it to go away.
the league and all the teams wanted it to go away.
Destroying evidence that would have only shown what supposedly every other team in the NFL was doing is not the way to make it go away. If that were true, all he had to do was show people what was on the tapes. Like you said before, you had coaches that came out anyway and said their teams filmed defensive signals. Everyone knew NE was guilty of filming defensive signals. If that was all that was on the tapes, it would have gone away. Instead he collected the tapes from NE, yet issued the punishment before even looking at them and then destroyed them after he did take a look. You can believe whatever you want, but I don't know in what world where that makes sense. If NE didn't do anything else, there was no reason to destroy the tapes. If NE did more then that, Goodell had every reason to destroy them.
I didn't say they went about it the right way but no one connected to the league wanted that stuff to get out.
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