Ricky deserves nothing from Dolphans | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ricky deserves nothing from Dolphans


Active Roster
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Twin Falls, Idaho
Talking about Ricky Williams as a 31 year old lifetime Dolphin fan is like talking about Vanilla Ice. When he was liked, everyone raved about him. When he faultered, no one gave him the time of day. I threw away my Vanilla Ice CD 2 months after I bought it in Junior High. It's time we throw away the avatars, wallpapers, jerseys, etc. and rid ourselves of someone who simply isn't worth the attention. Ronnie Brown hasn't played a game in the NFL yet, so I'm withholding judgement until he proves he is worth the money he will be making. More importantly, there has never really been a RB that has made every Dolphan proud to say : " That's our RB, and he is going to do great things here." It has always been a short-term gain, with long-term disappointment. When Lamar Smith broke the game-winning TD run against Indy in the playoffs, I remember how it felt. Then, he gets traded. We are always adjusting as fans as son as things are going well. Remember when all we were talking about last July was David Boston, Ric..sorry almost said it, and how dominating we were going to be.

The truth is we have always been used to having a great season through 12 games, then everyone cringes at the December games and we "look forward to next year". Fellow Phin fans, I think the wait is over. We have a coach who LOVES the game. We do have 53 players that love being in Miami, now. We do have a great owner who spends money. We DO have a Quarterback that CAN be our future with the right teacher. I know , make Danny QB coach. But seriously, A.J. can be our guy, if HE wants it. He has the skills, he just wasn't learning from Jay Fiedler what he could learn from a system and coaches that want to develop him, not coaches that want him to just win baby. YES, that's a stab at the RAIDERS, who I hate dearly.

Anyway, give Coach Saban time, and he will bring success to Miami. We gave Marino 15 years of patience and he never got back to the Super Bowl. Let's give Saban time. We deserve to be patient for results, instead of being patient for failure. Great draft for the 'Phins. Believe me, the off-season will have more players coming and going. Just trust a coach that took a bunch of nobodies, and made them national champs. Boycott CBS and FOX and ESPN for no national games. ( Well, wait a minute.....then we couldn't watch the Phins. Ok, scratch that. just be mad at them. ) .. Any thoughts or rebuttals on my opinion are welcome. Here's to a successful 1st year of building in Miami under Coach Saban and his team and staff. We should all be proud to be Miami fans.
cliff notes? Whatever you said it doesn't matter Ricky will be back and he will be a dolphin.
msg said:
cliff notes? Whatever you said it doesn't matter Ricky will be back and he will be a dolphin.

If Ricky Williams comes back, and plays for the Dolphins, I would be surprised if 10 people are left on this site.
marino2duper73 said:
If Ricky Williams comes back, and plays for the Dolphins, I would be surprised if 10 people are left on this site.

why? more than 10 people will welcome him back...especially if he comes back and dominates
I'd be on here......I'm a Longhorns fan
So i'd be on here till hell freezes over

Cedric_Benson said:
I'd be on here......I'm a Longhorns fan
So i'd be on here till hell freezes over


Umm, why don't you go to the Chicago fan site, you will probably be able to get some more understanding perspectives. Ricky is a douchbag. You should pray that Cedric didn't cut his hair just for media purposes. Once a pothead, always a pothead. Cedric has a lot to prove. He is running in Walter's house. Longhorn fan or not, Ricky is nothing to be proud of. Tell me how many Ryan Leaf fans still talk him up. End of story.:shakeno:
marino2duper73 said:
If Ricky Williams comes back, and plays for the Dolphins, I would be surprised if 10 people are left on this site.

I hope so, it would be great to get rid of all the hard headed idiots who think Saban cares about anything Ricky did other then winning.
Lamar Smith wasn't traded. And Larry Csonka...Jim Kick anybody?
marino2duper73 said:
If Ricky Williams comes back, and plays for the Dolphins, I would be surprised if 10 people are left on this site.

sure some of you whiners will go cry in the corner for several weeks but as soon as he starts scoring some tds and helping us win you will be back kissing his black butt. :lol:
kbeath said:
You are knockin ricky look at your avatar? You enjoy bud you shouldnt knock him!

My avatar is specifically because of Ricky. On this site, that's who he is. A pothead who f-cked over teammates,fans, and he is an a-shole. look at my avatar and tell me who you think of first, then remember what he did to us. game over.
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