Ricky growing dreadlocks on his face | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ricky growing dreadlocks on his face

id like him to shave his face and grow back in the dreads.....shorter dreads but i like it cause its his trademark look,idk how long they take to grow in but it might be enough time b4 the season starts if he starts to grow them now
Ricky was growing his dreads since high school so they took 7-8 years to get as long as they did.
He needs to go bury his head in the sand from the shame he has caused this organization. He can wear a girly long blonde wig for all I care, at least it would go good with his wedding dress. He is a talented, freak. He is NOT gonna make us better. I hope we bring him back to trade. To be honest I would rather him not come back at all. Team chemistry is more important than another RB to spell our starter.
that recent picture the other day looks rather Taliban-ish... disturbing...

anyhow, opponents were tackling Ricky by his dreds when he had them... rather cowardly of a defender, in my humble opinion, ... but certainly detrimental to Ricky on the field because of that...
I say shave his head bald and clean his facial hair up...new look for a new ricky :D
PressCoverage said:
that recent picture the other day looks rather Taliban-ish... disturbing...

anyhow, opponents were tackling Ricky by his dreds when he had them... rather cowardly of a defender, in my humble opinion, ... but certainly detrimental to Ricky on the field because of that...
Do you know where a pic is from "just the other day"?
I guess he likes those terrorist beards, Because thats what it looks like he's growing.
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