Ricky just shows that athletes can get away with anything | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ricky just shows that athletes can get away with anything


Oct 17, 2004
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Tampa, FL
Ricky Williams comin back just shows that someone can do drugs and sell out his teammates, but as long as he is good enough, all is forgotten.

People make comments all the time about who is and who is not a "Saban type guy." How can anyone here say Ricky is a Saban guy?

People say, "well, it's okay, he ADDS VALUE to this team." Really? He will miss a total of 1.25 seasons, how much value did he add to his team then?

It just doesn't add up.
Athletes? Umm, Eron, musicians, Martha Stewart and her ankle bracelet at a dinner banquet while on house arrest, etc. It's money, not athletes. Money and the power to make other people money.

Either way, what's the big deal as long as the fins win games??
Buddwalk said:
Ray Lewis got away with murder if anyone remembers

Lewis was present at the time the murder happened and was witholding evidence he is no murder.
mistergreens said:
Ricky Williams comin back just shows that someone can do drugs and sell out his teammates, but as long as he is good enough, all is forgotten.

People make comments all the time about who is and who is not a "Saban type guy." How can anyone here say Ricky is a Saban guy?

People say, "well, it's okay, he ADDS VALUE to this team." Really? He will miss a total of 1.25 seasons, how much value did he add to his team then?

It just doesn't add up.

I hope for your sake you don't have kids someday and god forbid they have a drug problem on top of being bipolar. And the people in control of their future aren't as shallow and unforgiving as you. Ricky was abused by Wanny, I would have quit too. Ricky had all summer after his second season to quit but he gets into camp and see's that things will be the same as the previous two years and he quits. Sure his drug problem and his disease were part of the problem. But if Wanny knew anything about the players at all, he could have helped Ricky through the tough times. Instead of ignoring the problem. I'm not trying to say Ricky shouldn't be held responsible, but he doesn't have to come back at all. I think he's at least trying and you want to shut the door in his face...well like I said above if this ever happens to someone close to you that they have someone with a shread of compassion because you clearly don't. But make sure you smile your behind off and bragg to all your rivals how great he is if he returns strong.
I don't think Ricky got away with anything. He HAS to play to repay the money he owes the Fins, he might have to play for the league minimum, and his ego has been taken down a notch with Ronnie Brown here. Ricky better come in to camp with a new attitude, or I have a feeling he won't be around for long.
feelthepain said:
Lewis was present at the time the murder happened and was witholding evidence he is no murder.

Ray Lewis was still a witness and accomplice to murder and got away with it.
SCall13 said:
Ray Lewis was still a witness and accomplice to murder and got away with it.

It was a stabbing, how was he an accomplice? Did he hold the guy down??Did he plan the murder?? It was a bar fight all he did was wittness it happen and withheld evidence in the investigation to protect someone he knew . This makes you neither an accomplise or a murderer! Unless you were there you don't really know what happend. But the part above was in the news and in the trial.
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