Ricky Williams using an internet dating service? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ricky Williams using an internet dating service?


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Jan 14, 2002
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Cheyenne, WY
I don't know if this thread has started yet, but I was just watching 'Around the Horn' on ESPN and the last topic they talked about was how Ricky Williams has posted a profile on an online dating service... Sorry but I forgot the name of it... I know this doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but it just goes to show you just how weird our star can be. I love Rick and I'm pullin for him hardcore, but damn... This team has had some bad and or weird/embarrassing things happen to it this offseason... This is just something else now... Picture this guys... You are a superstar in the NFL and well known by many and not a bad lookin guy...living in miami at that... You could go to a club or the beach or ANYWHERE for the matter, ANYTIME and you can attract the cream of the crop of women...but you decide to try an online dating service....??? Weird guys....just weird... Here's to 2004, the year of odd happenings....
Really? Well, that's a relief! 'Around the Horn' conveniently left that part out... :rolleyes:
Around the Horn leaves a lot of things out. Like entertainment.
Yeah, I kinda liked the show better with Max Kellerman, but I still must say that it's still one of my favorite shows on TV... Around the Horn and PTI... I'm glued to the set for that hour....
ladeback said:
I don't know if this thread has started yet, but I was just watching 'Around the Horn' on ESPN and the last topic they talked about was how Ricky Williams has posted a profile on an online dating service... Sorry but I forgot the name of it... I know this doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but it just goes to show you just how weird our star can be. I love Rick and I'm pullin for him hardcore, but damn... This team has had some bad and or weird/embarrassing things happen to it this offseason... This is just something else now... Picture this guys... You are a superstar in the NFL and well known by many and not a bad lookin guy...living in miami at that... You could go to a club or the beach or ANYWHERE for the matter, ANYTIME and you can attract the cream of the crop of women...but you decide to try an online dating service....??? Weird guys....just weird... Here's to 2004, the year of odd happenings....

Don't get why that should be such an embarrasing thing for him to do. :confused:

Yes he is a high profile guy with lots of money.
Lots of high profile people use services.
It allows you to screen the people you are with alot more than you could by trying to sift through all the "wallet trollers" in the bar scene.

Why does this strike you as weird. It seems like a smart thing for him to do IMO.
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
Around the Horn leaves a lot of things out. Like entertainment.

Exactly. All we need in the over saturated sports market is 5 more clueless talking heads vying for air time by raising their voices. This show is putrid.
Who cares?

Good for him. I hope he finds someone.

I dont think this makes him weird though. And so what if he is weird? Whats normal? All I care about though is how he produces on the field. Anything else he does is his business as long as he doesnt hurt anyone or potentially hurts anyone.
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