RJ to Bucs | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

RJ to Bucs


FinHeaven Cheerleader
Oct 3, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
It seems the Bucs have taken on ANOTHER Johnson, that is Rob Johnson. :lol: So now Gruden has to decide whether to have Johnson throw to Johnson or the other Johnson to throw to Johnson. Either way, that's ALOT of Johnsons. :lol: :lol: :goof:

Okay, move this to General NFL talk please :lol:
Isn't one of the rules of Football that if your QB is named Johnson, you suck? Now they have 2!!

They could line Rob as a WR on some plays though. He's pretty fast and is tall. Johnson could pass to Johnson or Johnson, then Johnson could lateral it to Johnson while Johnson makes a lead block for Johnson which leads to a big Johnson TD!
:lol: :lol:
They did the same thing with Ryan Leaf last year. He'll most likely be released. At least for RJ's sake, he can go surfing more. Heh.
The Bills have a lousy history

Johnson left the Bills as the franchise's all-time leader in completion percentage and lowest interception percentage.

lol :lol:
yeah it was low..............

Johnson left the Bills as the franchise's all-time leader in completion percentage and lowest interception percentage.

because he was always on the ground and very rarily got to throw!
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