Rodgers may not of hit his wife. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rodgers may not of hit his wife.


FinHeaven VIP
Apr 30, 2002
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Lower Delaware

Considering the source I would wait for other sources for comfirmation. But it does sound alot better for him.
That sounds very plausible. This has been my theory:

I don't think this is the first time this has happened. I believe Derrick's wife has been messing around for a while. And I think Derrick's attempt to cement his place in her heart resulted in that speech at the team banquet.

Now she's messing around again. And she got busted in public this time. Maybe she never told that kid that she was married. Maybe she did. I'd like to know. Either way, this chick doesn't deserve Derrick Rodgers.
Like I said from the getgo, we needed to wait and hear some of the particulars of this, before we automatically, portray him as this terrible wifebeating maniac, that needs to be banished from the face of the earth.

As for wanting to know if she was, or was not cheating on him, that is none of our business. That is for him to deal with, not us. I'm quite sure, that if he needs the fans advice on his personal relationships, he will probably post the request right here on finheaven.

That said, I STILL have NO idea if he did or didn't hit her. This still needs to be played out legally. People can say lots of things, but in the end, it is always the court of law, that has the FINAL say.
It does seem pretty certain that he hit the other guy with the chair. The whole matter then turns on whether the other guy knew that he was fooling around with another woman or if the meeting was platonic. The only reason we need to be concerned is that he is a starting OLB on our team.
That's not what I meant, Scot. I really don't care about his personal biz or whether or not she was cheating. Just whether or not this guy knew that Derrick Rodgers was her husband. Cuz if he did, he was ASKING for trouble.
I hear ya'. My whole thing on this whole issue, is that people's personal lives, and troubles, should be kept out of the public eye. I guess we just live in the Jerry Springer, and Dirty Laundry era.
From the above mentioned article

"This guy kind of like got in his face a little bit, like he was going to stand there and make an issue," said Damon, who said he's not a football fan and didn't know Rodgers played for the Dolphins.

This is what I thought... I mentioned this in an earlier thread, the initial report mentioned that the other guy stood up when Derrick came to the table... this led me to believe that Derrick at least percieved that he was standing up to square off...

I really didn't believe the punching/kicking his wife allegations either... I see Derrick as being of a higher caliber than that.

It's my hope that this other guy won't want to persue this assault charge too emphatically... I'd like to see this thing blowover so we can get to playin some football!
Re: From the above mentioned article

Originally posted by WharfRat

This is what I thought... I mentioned this in an earlier thread, the initial report mentioned that the other guy stood up when Derrick came to the table... this led me to believe that Derrick at least percieved that he was standing up to square off...

I really didn't believe the punching/kicking his wife allegations either... I see Derrick as being of a higher caliber than that.

It's my hope that this other guy won't want to persue this assault charge too emphatically... I'd like to see this thing blowover so we can get to playin some football!

My thoughts Exactly
I agree with Muck - this chick does not deserve a stand-up guy like DR. If I saw a stranger talking to my wife I'd hit him with more than a chair. The guy got what was comming to him and I don't care how much smaller he was than DR!
This kid was 19, and he stood up to "challenge" Derrick Rodgers? Was he dropped on his head as a kid? Derrick is huge. He is a linebacker for the frickin' NFL. What in the world was a 19 year old kid thinking getting in the face of a guy as big as him? Was he asking for a metal chair to the back of his head? Some people......

Originally posted by steve_t
I agree with Muck - this chick does not deserve a stand-up guy like DR. If I saw a stranger talking to my wife I'd hit him with more than a chair. The guy got what was comming to him and I don't care how much smaller he was than DR!

Here is a novel idea, how about walking over introducing yourself to the guy and find out what the conversation is about before you go medival on him. That way you won't be sitting in jail wondering how much money this will cost you. You can always dump her later plus if you are sitting in jail this gives her the green light to bring him to your house and bang his brains out in your bed, if that was her intentions to begin with. If you want to put your money in his and a lawyers pocket go ahead.

Be smarter, logical and more dignified then that.

From BMarion31.
This kid was 19, and he stood up to "challenge" Derrick Rodgers? Was he dropped on his head as a kid? Derrick is huge. He is a linebacker for the frickin' NFL. What in the world was a 19 year old kid thinking getting in the face of a guy as big as him? Was he asking for a metal chair to the back of his head? Some people......

What's he going to do? I imagine that Rodgers didn't come up the kid stood up to fight,like it or not.....At least he aint no punk.
You would stand up too, right? It doesn't matter who is coming at you, right?

OMT, I predict this kid will let it go away with out pressing the issue....Miami can be a very dangerous place for somebody in his position if he cause prolems.......He's done enough already....He needs to just go away and let it die
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"What's he going to do? I imagine that Rodgers didn't come up the kid stood up to fight,like it or not.....At least he aint no punk.
You would stand up too, right? It doesn't matter who is coming at you, right?

OMT, I predict this kid will let it go away with out pressing the issue....Miami can be a very dangerous place for somebody in his position if he cause prolems.......He's done enough already....He needs to just go away and let it die"

This may sound all cowardly and stuff, but I would back down. Honestly, a huge guy like Derrick, who is seriously pissed off, is not someone to be messing with. There is a difference between bravery and stupidity, and this kid crossed the line into stupidity. You don't have to be all "I'm sorry Mr. Rodgers, let me shine your shoes and here is 100 dollars for your troubles." You should say, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I had intruded, I'll be leaving now." or something of the sort.

I agree with you when you say you think he will let it go away. It would be in his best interest to let it go, and I'm sure he knows it......
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