Ronnie Brown and his tender | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ronnie Brown and his tender


Apr 25, 2007
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Virginia Beach, VA
The last I heard Ronnie had not signed his tender. Today is the deadline. Did I miss the fact he finally signed? If he hasn't, what is the consequence if he doesn't sign? Miami can't trade him unless he signs, right? Hope Miami keeps him though.
they can't trade him unless he's signed....

today was the deadline for restricted FA to sign offer sheets.

He could remain unsigned and avoided all team activities, mini camps, training camp, etc......
have no clue why he hasnt signed yet. maybe they was hoping another team would somehow sign him but that is crazytalk. No team is signign him to a contract and giving up a first round pick. just isnt worth it
have no clue why he hasnt signed yet. maybe they was hoping another team would somehow sign him but that is crazytalk. No team is signign him to a contract and giving up a first round pick. just isnt worth it

Dude, you say you aren't a hater, but you make a comment in EVERY Ronnie Brown thread about how he isn't good enough. I think everyone understands your opinion. No need to beat a dead horse.
He's right...nobody is giving a #1 for a 28 yr old RB made of glass.
Dude, you say you aren't a hater, but you make a comment in EVERY Ronnie Brown thread about how he isn't good enough. I think everyone understands your opinion. No need to beat a dead horse.

This was in direct relation to the post about a tender. Im sorry that Ronnie Brown is not good enough to fetch a first round pick, thats a fact since no team went out and signed him. As for hating , Ronnie Brown is a good back not a franchise back. If he proves me wrong then I will eat my words gladly but breaking 1000 yards once in 5 years is not the measure of a franchise back. If you want to think he is worth a 1st round pick then fine but of course the rest of the NFL just proved u wrong. So if Im a hater I guess your just delusional maybe I dont know. You do realize that very few players in the NFL are deemed worthy of some team trading a first round pick for. Even Brandon Marshal because of his baggage did not fetch a first round pick. Ricky Williams was traded for two first round picks. So call me a hater all u want for stating a damn fact that no team in the league thinks Ronnie Brown is good enough to trade a first round pick for. Teams dont trade first round picks for good injury prone runningbacks.
So what is the verdict? Has he signed or not? Is the dealine really today? I think this issue is a pretty big deal.
So what is the verdict? Has he signed or not? Is the dealine really today? I think this issue is a pretty big deal.
Not really that big of a deal. Today's deadline is to sign with another team, not his tender from the Dolphins. Once today passes, Brown has two options:

1. Sign his tender
2. Sit out the 2010 season

Up until today though, he had a third option. Sign with any of the other 31 NFL teams. He will eventually sign his tender, maybe not right away, but I bet he inks it before the first mini camp.
So Ronnie can basically prevent the Phins from trading him on draft day by not signing his tender.
So Ronnie can basically prevent the Phins from trading him on draft day by not signing his tender.
um, that is a good question. I am not sure what the rules are after the RFA market ends. I THINK they can trade him on draft day even if he doesn't sign his tender since the RFA market is closed.
um, that is a good question. I am not sure what the rules are after the RFA market ends. I THINK they can trade him on draft day even if he doesn't sign his tender since the RFA market is closed.
No. You can't trade a guy not under contract. What sense does that make?
um, that is a good question. I am not sure what the rules are after the RFA market ends. I THINK they can trade him on draft day even if he doesn't sign his tender since the RFA market is closed.

That's a very good question... I don't know if the tender follows him to a new team, and if he'd have to sign that for them before working on a new deal or not. Will be interesting to see if his name pops up in an article about this deadline having passed.
If he can not be traded until he signs, then not signing gives some leverage to RB to decide who he gets traded to.
No. You can't trade a guy not under contract. What sense does that make?

uhmmm, the Dolphins own his RIGHTS.. They will trade his RIGHTS. Ronnie is NOT a free agent. he does not have a say where he goes. No different than trading a newly drafted player who doesn't have a contract yet..
This is from website...

Q. Other than accrued seasons, what determines a restricted free agent?
A. He has received a "qualifying" offer (a salary level predetermined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the league and its players) from his old club. He can negotiate with any club through April 15. If the restricted free agent accepts an offer sheet from a new club, his old club can match the offer and retain him because it has the "right of first refusal." If the old club does not match the offer, it can possibly receive draft-choice compensation depending on the amount of its qualifying offer. If an offer sheet is not executed, and the player receives the June 1 tender from his old club, the player's rights revert exclusively to his old club on June 1.
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