Go Heat!
god i love this kid...i got goosebumps when i saw him on the big screen
The HEAT IS ONNNNNNNNNNNNN!!'s getting HOT in here. :goof: :DmiaD5499 said:yea ronnie goes to almost every game now and culpepper has been going to the games a lot too, and that was the first time i saw saban at a game but hopefully he comes out to the games more often too....i love to see our dolphins going out to root on the eastern conference champs THE MIAMI HEAT!!!
s3an8 said:**** the a pistons fan so you can feel my kinda performance was that...everytime our O would get going our D would collapse...and D wade was throwin up miracles in the 3rd-4th which was hard to believe i think he was shootin like 70 in the second half...and J Williams was just killing us...
s3an8 said:**** the a pistons fan so you can feel my kinda performance was that...everytime our O would get going our D would collapse...and D wade was throwin up miracles in the 3rd-4th which was hard to believe i think he was shootin like 70 in the second half...and J Williams was just killing us...