Ronnie Brown Q&A from the Fans | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ronnie Brown Q&A from the Fans


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Aug 26, 2004
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Buzzmaster: Helloooooooo again! NFL uber prospect Ronnie Brown will be here very soon! Get your questions ready!

Ronnie Brown: Hello everyone!

Ed (Riverton, NJ): Hey Ronnie, its no secret that you've shot past the other backs on the big board in this draft. In your eyes, what separates you from guys like Cedrick Benson and your Auburn backfield mate, Cadillac?

Ronnie Brown: It's just a different style. Being versatile and doing different things from the backfield.

Max (Cleveland,OH): Have you and Cadillac been preparing for the draft together?

Ronnie Brown: Yeah, we have. We worked out together in Phoenix. Then we worked out some in Auburn.

Mike J: Do you ever run over a DB or any defensive player and wonder "Why did they try and hit me?"

Ronnie Brown: No! Never though that! I'm usually thinking about trying to get them before they get me. They hit pretty hard!

Ryan Herlong: Kingsport,TN: Ronnie, how do you feel after your performance at the combine?

Ronnie Brown: I think I did pretty good. I ran good in the 40 and did well in the drills.

Wesley (Marinette Wiscosin): What is the best asset of yours that most poeple don't know about you & who would you like to be drafted by the most?

Ronnie Brown: I'm not sure. Everything has been displayed. I think just my ability to make people miss. But that gets talked about a lot.

Marcus Jefferson: What fears do you have about the NFL life?

Ronnie Brown: I'm ready to take on all the challenges. I'm excited about it. It's a life long dream for me.

Carlos(Miami, FL: Ronnie, how do would feel if you got selected by the Miami Dolphins and how productive do you think you will be in that style offense?

Ronnie Brown: I would be really excited about that! Nice weather and a good team. Great fans as well. I could be very productive there because I have been in four different styles at Auburn and I'm used to being productive in different styles.

Doug: (Lauderhill, FL): I'm sure you've raced against Carnell Williams many times, who is faster?

Ronnie Brown: We've never raced. We started but he slipped up and we never started it up again.
Part 2

Bobby (NYC): Which would you rather play on: grass or turf?

Ronnie Brown: I don't mind turf at all.

Eugene (Dallas, TX): Ronnie, what is your fondest memory of playing at Auburn?

Ronnie Brown: Probably graduation. As for on the field, probably just finishing undefeated.

Alex in Seattle: First I want to thank you for staying an extra year at Auburn because it so rare that players put a chance at winning a ring over winning a paycheck these days. My question is do you see Stewart/Irons as very similar to the Brown/Williams combo of last year or is that just wishful thinking?

Ronnie Brown: I think they can be effective. Carl reminds me of myself a bit. He is a real real strong uy. Kenny has that quickness that Carnell has. Trey Smith can be an impact also.

Chris ( Philadelphia ): I wanted to ask how fast did you run the 40 when you were 13?

Ronnie Brown: I don't know what my 40 was. I was decent at 13. This is a secret so don't tell anyone .. but I was a little chubby at 13.

Joe (Iowa): How do you think that you and Cadillac were able to get along so well in the same backfield for four years, sharing carries? Most running backs would be put off by that.

Ronnie Brown: Just because of our relationship off the field. We really respected each other and talked about everything. It just carried over to the field. We knew we had to work together to be successful.

Hans(New Orleans): can you dunk?

Ronnie Brown: I haven't tried in awhile. I try to stay away from that.

Mike J. (Florence, MS): Ronnie, did you have any second thoughts about not participating in the Senior Bowl, especially when Cadillac was there?

Ronnie Brown: Not at all.

Joe (LA): Are going to have private workout with the Cleveland Browns?
Part 3

Ronnie Brown: I really don't know.

Matt, Sandy Hook, CT: Recently, I've been wondering how you condition your body to take the kind of hits that you do with consistency. Is it something that you can work on, is it the right selection of padding, or is it a God-given gift?

Ronnie Brown: It's just getting yourself in the best condition you can get in. You get used to the hits in practice. They still hurt though!

Parker (Mesa, AZ): I have read that the "experts" are comparing you to Jamal Lewis. Which back would you compare yourself to?

Ronnie Brown: I try to stay away from comparisons. But Jamal is a great guy to be compared to. It's a tremendous honor. I can see that. also Brian Westbrook, an every down guy.

Walker (Atlanta): Ronnie B, please take the time to tell everyone that Auburn women are the finest in the land. also, don't you think it will be a struggle playing in the Miami backfield?

Ronnie Brown: I"m not sure.. Auburn has a bunch. But there are beautiful women everywhere. I'd love to be the feature guy there. I would give everything I could. But if I was a backup, I would just have to make the best of the situation.

Nick (Northfield, Ohio): Ronnie, do you think Auburn would have beat USC?

Ronnie Brown: I'm biased, but yeah. Definately.

Pritchett, Nashville, TN: Is it true that you almost went to Tennessee? If so what happened?

Ronnie Brown: I did. I committed there until a couple days before signing day. I just felt like Auburn was a better situation. There was probation talk around Tennesssee and I just go along with everyone at Auburn.

Colin (Plano): Ronnie, who is faster between you and Carlos Rogers?

Ronnie Brown: Carlos!

Horace, Bowie,MD: Ronnie, who were you most impresed by at the NFL combine.

Ronnie Brown: All of them. They are all NFL teams and all very impressive.

Papi (Alabama): Congrats on the fine season and career at Auburn! In YOUR opinion, where should you go in the draft? Do you feel that you could be a good cold weather back since you are from the South?

Ronnie Brown: I think so. It's all the same to me!

Patrick (Boston): What do you think was the biggest factor in your stock rising so much in this years draft?

Ronnie Brown: I think just what we did during the season adn what I was able to accomplish and show my speed.

Printup(Ga): You are the man...You remind me of a new age Bo Jackson. How often do you talk to him?

Ronnie Brown: I haven't talked to him recently but we do talk.

Ray Egg Harbor City , NJ: What kind of training did you do in preparation for the combine? The numbers you put up were amazing for a guy of your size.

Ronnie Brown: Just trying to stay in the best shape possible.

mike (toledo): If you get drafted by the dolphins and ricky comes back during the offseason...would you be excited to be playing with him?

Ronnie Brown: I would definately be excited to play with him. I would like to learn as much about football as I can from him. He's had a great impact on the NFL
Jt0323 said:
Ronnie Brown: I think just what we did during the season adn what I was able to accomplish and show my speed.

Ronnie Brown spelled And wrong!:eek: lol
This guy has a lot of humility. He doesn't say anything to disrespect anyone around him. That's a breath of fresh air in a league that has idiots like Terrell Owens popping off at the mouth. Notice that his fondest memory of playing at Auburn was not an individual accomplishment. It was his team going undefeated this past season. This is the type of player that Nick Saban wants. Guys who are all about the team and celebrate team success more than idividual success.
KB21 said:
This guy has a lot of humility. He doesn't say anything to disrespect anyone around him. That's a breath of fresh air in a league that has idiots like Terrell Owens popping off at the mouth. Notice that his fondest memory of playing at Auburn was not an individual accomplishment. It was his team going undefeated this past season. This is the type of player that Nick Saban wants. Guys who are all about the team and celebrate team success more than idividual success.
HysterikiLL said:
Ronnie learn from Ricky about football? Oh boy.

If Ronnie could talk to and watch 2002 Ricky (when he was on the meds), I'm sure he could teach him a thing or two. Anyway, it's about the humility and respect (even for those we feel don't deserve it). I like that about the kid and hope it doesn't change.
KB21 said:
This guy has a lot of humility. He doesn't say anything to disrespect anyone around him. That's a breath of fresh air in a league that has idiots like Terrell Owens popping off at the mouth. Notice that his fondest memory of playing at Auburn was not an individual accomplishment. It was his team going undefeated this past season. This is the type of player that Nick Saban wants. Guys who are all about the team and celebrate team success more than idividual success.

True Dat!
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