Ross just stated that Philbin is coming back. | Page 28 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ross just stated that Philbin is coming back.

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LOL....ok, I guess I'm a sheep.

But just so I'm clear, unless I'm outwardly miserable and negative, pessimistic about all around me and loudly pronounce that the world is ending and it is never going to change......I'm somehow not a good fan and I am settling for mediocrity and grazing in a pasture on some hilltop somewhere.

Well, between us, I think it is possible to be disappointed and frustrated with not making the playoffs again, but still recognize and celebrate the positives that exist on the Fins. And since sitting around and posting Debbie Downer thoughts all day isn't going to change one thing about what has occurred and frankly, what is going to occur, I'm going to enjoy myself this coming weekend, just like I did last weekend, with my buddy, a few beers and some wings and we are going to make the most out of it. I suggest you join life is way too short to be miserable all the time.


Hmm So Im a debbie downer because im critical of a coach and owner who hasnt got the job done.
Im not miserable except in the respect that my team is once again heading nowhere. I dont let this affect my life. I accept that we are in for another year of going nowhere with this mediocre coach that folds when it counts and this owner that always does things a year too late.
Please by all means predict playoffs next year with the same medicore coach leading the way. You will feel much better until the reality kicks in later in the year.
personally football has little affect on my outlook of life, I still need to make money and enjoy myself, just the dolphins have done nothing over the ownership of Ross to contribute to me enjoying myself.
So by all means enjoy another meaningless season and convince yourself that it will be next year. i will still enjoy my year . You act like because we have an incompetent owner and coach that all of sudden Im going to become a raging alcoholic.
Its sport I recognize it as such and know that ross give little to a damn about me or any other fan. this is just an investment to him and he is going to do what he wants.

No the world is not ending. it goes on just like the reign of this idiot owner continues on. I will quite enjoy a movie or something instead of wasting my time watching a meaningless football game this weekend. i will watch it on replay.

Your right though it was an exciting game versus the inept Vikings where we allowed the 26th ranked offense to score 35 points on us. thats quite a positive. yay
Hmm So Im a debbie downer because im critical of a coach and owner who hasnt got the job done.
Im not miserable except in the respect that my team is once again heading nowhere. I dont let this affect my life. I accept that we are in for another year of going nowhere with this mediocre coach that folds when it counts and this owner that always does things a year too late.
Please by all means predict playoffs next year with the same medicore coach leading the way. You will feel much better until the reality kicks in later in the year.
personally football has little affect on my outlook of life, I still need to make money and enjoy myself, just the dolphins have done nothing over the ownership of Ross to contribute to me enjoying myself.
So by all means enjoy another meaningless season and convince yourself that it will be next year. i will still enjoy my year . You act like because we have an incompetent owner and coach that all of sudden Im going to become a raging alcoholic.
Its sport I recognize it as such and know that ross give little to a damn about me or any other fan. this is just an investment to him and he is going to do what he wants.

No the world is not ending. it goes on just like the reign of this idiot owner continues on. I will quite enjoy a movie or something instead of wasting my time watching a meaningless football game this weekend. i will watch it on replay.

Your right though it was an exciting game versus the inept Vikings where we allowed the 26th ranked offense to score 35 points on us. thats quite a positive. yay

Well....I'm glad to see you not inching closer to the edge. You had me worried for a minute......and I'm really glad you don't let it affect you personally, its hard to tell from your comments sometimes.

Now remember, a cold beer, wings, a friend or two and you will soon be having a good time like most of us do.

PS: It was an exciting game this past weekend, I'm sorry to hear you missed it.

Merry Christmas
Well....I'm glad to see you not inching closer to the edge. You had me worried for a minute......and I'm really glad you don't let it affect you personally, its hard to tell from your comments sometimes.

Now remember, a cold beer, wings, a friend or two and you will soon be having a good time like most of us do.

PS: It was an exciting game this past weekend, I'm sorry to hear you missed it.

Merry Christmas

Yes cant wait for this defense to play a good offense after they gave up 35 points to the vikings. lol
I went and watched The new hobbit film and got my money's worth unlike watching a dolphin team struggle at home with a lesser team.
Merry christmas though. My new Slogan is wait until 2016, 2015 is another lameduck season
These "quick turnarounds" are overrated, and I doubt many of them are sustainable. Though you can't be 100% sure that turnaround wasn't Kaepernick I'll give you Harbaugh. As for the others:

- The most impressive turnaround is the Seahawks, which could have a little something to do with drafting the greatest young QB of all time.
- The Colts "turnaround" is certainly looking to be sustainable but Luck had 7 game winning drives and 2 closeouts his rookie year, that alone accounts for 9 of their 11 wins...
- Its unclear on Chip Kelly. When he came into the league people were concerned that his roster wouldn't survive the uptempo, maybe its a coincidence both of his starting QBs have been hurt, maybe its not. I do think Foles is severely underrated though and actually is pretty good when healthy.
- Andy Reid. What you see is what you get. I certainly wouldn't feel all warm and fuzzy about my chances at long term success with Alex Smith at QB.
- Bruce Ariens needs to get a QB, and fast, or his turnaround will be as sustainable as Rex Ryan's was.
- RGIII. Enough said on that one, he did successfully turn around the fanbase though.
- Mike McKoy. Overrated coach with an extremely underrated QB. Its almost as hard to miss the playoffs with a top 5 passer as it is to make make them with a bottom 10 passer.
- Tony Sparano. Chad Pennington was really good.

Aside from Harbaugh, and who knows how that would have turned out if he'd have gotten unwavering support from management, every quick turnaround coincided with a QB change. And I would wager very few of them will have any staying power besides the Luck and Wilson turnarounds, and maybe Foles/Kelly.

I don't care much about the Philbin decision but I would be pissed if we didn't even try to land Harbaugh.
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Dolphins owner Stephen Ross decided to keep Joe Philbin because he likes the work Philbin has done and also values continuity. But Ross told me he also likes the progress Ryan Tannehill has made under Philbin and Bill Lazor and didn’t want to disrupt that. Tannehill enters the final weekend 15th in passer rating, fifth in completions, sixth in completion percentage, 11th in yards and 12th in touchdowns (26, compared with 12 picks).

Read more here:
LOL....ok, I guess I'm a sheep.

But just so I'm clear, unless I'm outwardly miserable and negative, pessimistic about all around me and loudly pronounce that the world is ending and it is never going to change......I'm somehow not a good fan and I am settling for mediocrity and grazing in a pasture on some hilltop somewhere.

Well, between us, I think it is possible to be disappointed and frustrated with not making the playoffs again, but still recognize and celebrate the positives that exist on the Fins. And since sitting around and posting Debbie Downer thoughts all day isn't going to change one thing about what has occurred and frankly, what is going to occur, I'm going to enjoy myself this coming weekend, just like I did last weekend, with my buddy, a few beers and some wings and we are going to make the most out of it. I suggest you join life is way too short to be miserable all the time.


You made a very good point. Nothing any of us posts here will change a damn thing. So some people vent. Some people recognize the good. That's exactly what message boards are for.
Huh. I dubbed that my "Worst Christmas Present Ever", wrote Simmons about it, and he put it in his picks column this week on Grantland. In defense of my typos and grammar, I did it on my iPhone.
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