Practice Squad
early in the game al wilson deliverd a cheap shot to gus so later roth knocked plummer on his ***
67Stang said:Give it to Roth too, Little Jakie was in his ear trying to get him to explode, and he didn't; although, you could tell he wanted to snap him like a twig by the expression on his face....hehe
phinfan2003 said:Wilson didn't deliver a cheap shot. It was a clean hit. Roth's hit wasn't that bad but it still was illegal.
finfan54 said:Nope, If you look closely, Roth pushed Plummer from his right breast.......if that word clarifies it for you. It was a clean hit all the way.......but the funny thing is is that Roth acted just as he is supposed to act. Like he did nothing at all and walk to the sideline......funny as hell. I love Matt Roth!
Fireagle89 said:Him and Crowder are seriously like legally crazy, but i love it! its exaclty what we need. Both of them could be major steals. It just reaffirms the fact that saban is a genius!