Running Back Deterioration: Age or Workload? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Running Back Deterioration: Age or Workload?


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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This is an interesting study on the relationship of carries to longevity, and their relationship to yards at certain points in their carreers by age.. Not sure the final conclusion, but what I see is that a great back is a great back no matter the age.

You check it out and give your thoughts..
The conclusion is the only part I've read so far and it's pretty funny after skipping all that research that he says its too difficult to determine.:D

Very interesting stuff nonetheless !!
Cedric Benson lovers would have used that as ammo last year.
Workload partially. If you're a workhorse back, you're getting tackled by multiple defenders over 20 times per game just on your carries, not to mention the blows you take while blocking or catching passes.

If you're a wide receiver, you may only get tackled a handful of times a game, and often times by just one defender.

Plus, as a running back, speed isn't everything, but once you start to lose the gas, they can easily replace you with a younger model. Since 1000 yard backs have become a dime a dozen in the 00s, it doesn't seem that teams want to ride an aging RB into the sunset anymore.
If Bo Jackson could have stayed healthy until he was 33 or 34, I'd still want him on my team as the starter. I think it'll be a while before we see another running back like him ....240 lbs with 4.1 - 4.3 speed and a lot of desire to be the best. Even if he lost a little speed, he'd still be as good as the vast majority of backs with only a few years of experience. It still bugs the hell out of me that he got that hip injury.

That's why I'm a big Ronnie Brown fan. He reminds me a little of Bo. They both played on winning teams at Auburn ..."Running Back U". Ronnie's as big as Bo (235 lbs) but not quite as fast (what running back is?) ...but he makes up for it by being a better receiver and a better blocker. If Ronnie plays with as much determination and motivation as Bo, he's gonna be a Hall of Famer.

Check out some highlights of Bo here:
No way would I have wanted Marino traded to the Raiders in the late 80's but that was a definate possibility. I'd have paid MAJOR bucks to see Marino AND Bo Jackson in the same backfield.

At the time, the Raiders had James Lofton and Willie Gault at WR. Marino and Bo would have put 50 ppg on the board if they played together.

Just the same, I really wanted Marino to play for the Vikings in 2000 with Cris Carter and Randy Moss.....just to see Marino put up 50ppg again and show everyone he's the greatest EVER!
Marino13fanboy1 said:
No way would I have wanted Marino traded to the Raiders in the late 80's but that was a definate possibility. I'd have paid MAJOR bucks to see Marino AND Bo Jackson in the same backfield.

At the time, the Raiders had James Lofton and Willie Gault at WR. Marino and Bo would have put 50 ppg on the board if they played together.

Just the same, I really wanted Marino to play for the Vikings in 2000 with Cris Carter and Randy Moss.....just to see Marino put up 50ppg again and show everyone he's the greatest EVER!

Marino a Viking.... :fire: :fire: :fire: Blasphemy
Alright.......Marino retires or Marino plays 1-2 more seasons with Minnesota.

You'd rather see Marino retire? I wanted to keep watching him play until his friggin' arm fell off. Anytime Marino is on NFL network, I almost always watch. He and Nolan Ryan are 2 guys I could watch all day long, 24-7.

The way Wanny and Jimmy treated Dan his last few years, I'd have rooted him on in a Minnesota uniform. If he were ever traded to Oakland in the late 80's, I'd have rooted for them too. Well, I'd have rooted for Marino....the heck with the Raiders or Vikings.

Sure, I'd rather him be a Dolphin forever, but I'd rather see him play than not play. Even if for another team.
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