Saban Supporters, Join Here!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Saban Supporters, Join Here!!!


Apr 14, 2005
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Mexico, D.F.
It surely has been the best offseason I've lived, but thats not the point of this thread, this thread is about to talk about him, review some of his history, post some info. about him that you think most people dont know and predict somethings about him.

Moreover, Saban supporters please write "Saban Supporter!!!" under your sig, please...

postermaster said:
It surely has been the best offseason I've lived
The best offseason for me was the year we got ricky and my worst came two years later.:tantrum:
fish fan 4 life said:
The best offseason for me was the year we got ricky and my worst came two years later.:tantrum:

Do you actually classify that offseason better than this one?
If you don't support anyone in the Dolphins organization, then you're not a real fan.
Next thing you know, someone will be insisting we start praying to Saban.
postermaster said:
Do you actually classify that offseason better than this one?
Yeah i do cuz i really thought ricky was going to take us to the superbowl.I dont feel that way with Culpepper.I feel that was our 1 big move.The rest have just been average players IMO.
I'm personally not much on fanboy-ism.

I think Saban has done a great job thusfar.

I am looking forward to more good things.

I'm not extrodinarially happy about this draft, but, we shall see.

Off season blues?

Hard up for something to post?


It's all good, bro
He is trying to get a Pep rally going.Nothing wrong with that my young mexican firiend.

So I will be the first to post it.

"Saban Supporter!!!"

I cant put it on my sig.however.Its been employed to keep the site going so you can do your pep rally.
CrunchTime said:
He is trying to get a Pep rally going.Nothing wrong with that my young mexican firiend.

So I will be the first to post it.

"Saban Supporter!!!"

I cant put it on my sig.however.Its been employed to keep the site going so you can do your pep rally.

Thanks, I apreciate it!!!
The secondary was thin.

The QB position was a sham.

We are slowly becoming a deep football team.

Nick Saban rocks.

I am a supporter of everything that is the Miami Dolphins.

As always!
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