I don't think the Rams pursuing our players has anything to do with Nick Saban. Linehan is very familiar with the majority of our roster due to the fact that he was our offensive coordinator just one year ago. His acquisition of Randy McMichael didn't surprise me since he is a much better TE than anyone they had in St. Louis and Randy's decision to go to St. Louis makes a lot of sense for him since he was already familiar with Linehan's offense and could be productive from day one.
It's well known that Nick Saban and Bill Bellichick are good friends. And while I think it might be a possibility that Saban has talked to BB about some of the players on the Dolphins roster I find it quite hard to believe he's calling up New England and saying "trade your second round pick for an overachieving WR" or "snatch up Sammy Morris because he can be your #3 back."
The truth of the matter is that we had some good backup/depth on our team and some very good roleplayers here last year. Those players are being let go because those backup players were our starter and some were making starter type money. Hell, I'm sure that BB called up Saban to get his opinion the guys before he pursued their acquisition. But it's not out of the realm of possibility that the Patriots just happened to research and watch film on players that they had to play twice a year.
Besides, two factors make your theory laughable. Saban has too much to do at Alabama getting ready for this season to begin to worry about what Linehan, BB, or the Miami Dolphins are doing. And secondly what does Saban have to hold against the Dolphins? Huizenga made him a rich(er) man, gave him all the control he wanted, and was still respectful of the man in his decision to leave. Saban was the one who left the Dolphins, not the other way around and it makes no sense for him to harbor any hard feelings toward the organization or make an attempt to cripple this franchise as you insinuate.