Saban's Draft Plan is impressive | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Saban's Draft Plan is impressive

Mr Fan

Realist Veritas
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Club Member
May 18, 2003
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I have never been so impressed with the Dolphins organization during the draft in all the past years. Saban has created a trade market for Alex Smith and now Braylon Edwards.

The beauty of this plan is the Dolphins win no matter what the 49ers attempt to do.

1. If the 49ers make a trade the Dolphins shall draft Alex Smith (if not selected by new team). I have been on board with Alex Smith for over a month now, no problems at all with the selection.

2. If the 49ers select Smith then the Dolphins trade down for the #7 and the #18 pick. Perhaps Caddy Williams, Ronnie Brown or Benson shall be sitting there (most likely at least one of them).

3. If the 49ers trade down and the the new team selects Smith then the Dolphins still make the trade for the #7 and #18 (minnie want Edwards).

Checkmate. Impressive Mr. Saban....impressive.

Now perhaps Carl Peterson shall just shut up make the trade for the #2 and a #4 for Surtain. Afterall Carl you're out of your league now...hehe.
Lets not claim checkmate until we actually trade down. I think Saban will do a good job this weekend, but I'll wait until Sunday to judge what he's done.
I'd wait to pass judgment on the draft plan until people are actually drafted, at least. I agree I'm hyped about the draft, and, have been laying in provisions since last week, but, I think it's more that it's a new face and, being in a powerful, but, precarious position. #2, and, then, crap else.
DonShula84 said:
Lets not claim checkmate until we actually trade down. I think Saban will do a good job this weekend, but I'll wait until Sunday to judge what he's done.

True, but it feels good NOT to be the team trading two 1st rounders for a nutty druggie (no matter how much I liked watching him run the ball).

Btw, Im hoping Caddy Williams is sitting at #7.
DonShula84 said:
Lets not claim checkmate until we actually trade down. I think Saban will do a good job this weekend, but I'll wait until Sunday to judge what he's done.

whether or not any trades happen for us, what Saban has caused this offseason has been very impressive for all 'phin fans. never has there been so much attention given to Miami's draft as this season.
My guess is Minnesota only trades down with us if SF doen't take Braylon Edwards. If somebody trades w/SF and grabs him, then we might be left with the #2.
EightyTwenty said:
My guess is Minnesota only trades down with us if SF doen't take Braylon Edwards. If somebody trades w/SF and grabs him, then we might be left with the #2.

That is option #1 where we end up with Smith, Im fine with that selection.
I don't have high hopes for getting alot of picks from this draft. We'll have the number 2 pick a 3rd rounder and some picks on day two and that's about it. You can thank Wannstupid for that. We'll likely also be stuck with Surtain. While alot of you may think this is pecemistic, I believe it's the highest probabale scenario.

You might want to see who you get before you start declaring this draft a success.

Mr Fan said:
True, but it feels good NOT to be the team trading two 1st rounders for a nutty druggie (no matter how much I liked watching him run the ball).

Btw, Im hoping Caddy Williams is sitting at #7.

It does feel good, and getting Caddy at #7 would be great
Overall I think Saban has done well. However, I hesitate to give him credit for all the trade/draft possibilites. The fact is, our 4-12 record is the main reason we have so many options. Now, if Saban successfully takes advantage of those options, then I'll be first in line to sing his praises
Hold this thread until Monday and lets see if your projections come to fruition.Then we can all celebrate together.
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