Sage Must Earn Starting Job. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Sage Must Earn Starting Job.


If you aren't a gator, you're gator bait
Jun 17, 2004
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Gator Town USA
First of all, I believe inthis philosphy. If your going to start the journeyman QB, then he better win games. Hell he doesn't have be win the games by himself just play smart and make some passes. Gus isn't doing this, and if the journeyman doesn't win games then pull him.

With that being said, Sage must EARN the starting spot. Just because Gus is playing poory does not mean Saban has an obligation to go up to Sage and say, "Gus sucks your now starting". Sage must step it up and show what he has to offer.

On the front page of finheaven it talks about how Gus is taking all the blame, well at the bottom it says Saban has not ruled out starting Sage. The door is now open for sage, as a seed of doubt has been placed in Saban's mind.The only way Sage deserves to start is by showing it in practice. By throwing all the right passes and playing smart.

That's what sage was talking about in his quote about fans.Sure we may want him to start, but the coaches now how he does in practiceand whether he deserves to start.

In the NFL, nobody is handed a job. If your a backup you show your worth in practice and then make the most of the opportunity when someone gets hurt or somone plays poorly. Well Gus has played poorly and now it is time to make the most of his opportunity.
I agree to a point and this is one of the more level-headed, intelligent posts on the subject but; Practice is practice and game time is different. Apparently Gus has looked great in practice since the preseason and still blows at game time. Sage has done terrific in his game time (although I haven't seen his practice).

It's time for a change
Maybe Sage didn't ear the starting Job but Gus had done nothing to earn the right to continue to starteither so basically we are screwed.
Right, I'm just saying you can't hand it to him he has to earn it. In realitiy it is more than just practice. If we handed out starting spots, AJ would still be the Qb, or worse Jay Fiedler. (We handed him the job too long)
yeah dude since they gave it to gus before the season, sage should have to earn it now. sage needs to start because gus is a sorry ***.
thecoordinator said:
yeah dude since they gave it to gus before the season, sage should have to earn it now. sage needs to start because gus is a sorry ***.

Honestly, I wouldnt' say they gave it to Gus. I was a Feeley supporter, but AJ didn't do so hot, besides he was dropped to third for a reason.
I thought Sage earned the chance in preseason. I think since they made all those statements about it's Gus vs. AJ they didn't want to look bad by saying that. Whatever they do someone has to pick it up at gametime.
The battle was between Gus and A.J. Yes Sage looked great in preseason, but that was against thrid stringers. He couldn't earn the job in preseason becasue he never played against the first stringers, and frankly in the presason, that's how you earn the job. Now back to the point that the battle was in fact between Gus and A.J and Sage was just the third string so there was no reason to give him first string reps. It would have made the preseason even more confusing if Sage was taking first string reps as well.
FinSinceBirth said:
The battle was between Gus and A.J. Yes Sage looked great in preseason, but that was against thrid stringers. He couldn't earn the job in preseason becasue he never played against the first stringers, and frankly in the presason, that's how you earn the job. Now back to the point that the battle was in fact between Gus and A.J and Sage was just the third string so there was no reason to give him first string reps. It would have made the preseason even more confusing if Sage was taking first string reps as well.
Good point but we had an extra game in preseason. I thought after the first 3 Sage deserved a shot because Saban said he wanted someone to take the bull by the horns and Sage was the only one who steped up. Not to get of subject but when I say lemon played against 3rd string people want to kill me.
G-Force said:
Good point but we had an extra game in preseason. I thought after the first 3 Sage deserved a shot because Saban said he wanted someone to take the bull by the horns and Sage was the only one who steped up. Not to get of subject but when I say lemon played against 3rd string people want to kill me.

I understand what you mean about the third stringers. When I mention Sage only played against third stringers in the preseason it was to say that because he only played against third stringers it is hard get an accurate reading of what he is actually capable of.
he earned it by a combination of his good play in preseason and gus's crappy play.

thread done.
death7star said:
he earned it by a combination of his good play in preseason and gus's crappy play.

thread done.

In the last week I have not seen you post anything more than 2 or 3 sentences. And you don't contribute anything useful to any thread your in, just a smartalic remark like this one. If you don't have any useful input, just go away.
I would'nt say it's a done thread Saban hasn't said Sage is starting so he will have to earn.
I feel like Saban has to play Sage this week for 2 reasons. First of all, he benches his other players when they haven't played well (Carey, McDougle) and it would send mixed signals to the players. Gus hasn't played well at all. In all 4 of our losses, he is the main culprit. Secondly, it would probably spark the team with a little confidence because right now, our team is lower than last year offensively. I think IMO that with Sage starting it would be a positive step toward righting this ship inwhich I think the season is a long way from being over. We win the next 2 games and get back to .500 then the whole division is up for grabs.
I think they should bring in Sage to start because the N.O. Taints is a relatively "soft" opponent, specially on the 'D' side of the ball. This way we can kind of ween him into the rythm of the game and if he plays well we should start him again next week. This is the best time to give Sage a start to show us if he can lead us to victory.
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