Sage Rosenfels | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Sage Rosenfels


Pro Bowler
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
Accourding to our own scouts and people who have watched the QB's in the minicamps, Sage Rosenfels has looked the sharpest. He's got the strongest arm by far of any of the QB's on our roster and he's been our offense for three years now, so he knows the system well.

And yet, despite all of this, I read a quote from DW that said that Sage will be the third string QB and that this battle (for the starting job) is exclusively between AJ Feeley and Jay Fiedler. That is, Jay and AJ are going to have the luxury of working with the First Team O, while Sage gets sloppy seconds.

I don't understand why the team won't open the competition up to all three and give each one a legitimate shot to start. If Sage has all the tools - big league arm, perfect size and knowledge of the system - then why can't he be given an equal chance. Is it because we didn't spend a second rounder or higher on the guy?

It makes no sense.
I have wondered the same thing, but There has to be a reason. At least I would hope there is. Maybe he does not handle pressure well!? OR does not make good reads of the Defense!?
It is simple, economics. This is a business and paying AJ the amount of money to loss to our 3rd stringer, it aint going to happen. Look at it this way...we know Fiedler is going to get hurt, starter or not. So in a sense, Sage is our 2nd stringer.
I think he still has the hardest time actually running the offense. It's more than just arm strength and acuracy. Sage has the best physical skills, but he's looked the roughest in actually trying to run an offense from everything I've read.
I've wanted to give Sage a chance to be the second stringer, im one of the biggest supporters of the hated Jay Fiedler and i know he gives us the best chance to win, but the truth remains he will get hurt, i would love to see Sage jog out on the field and give it a shot, no shame in not liek he'd have to do it alone, hes got great recievers and a TE to throw to along with that turning around and handing the ball to that bald guy
ThunderCane said:
It is simple, economics. This is a business and paying AJ the amount of money to loss to our 3rd stringer, it aint going to happen. Look at it this way...we know Fiedler is going to get hurt, starter or not. So in a sense, Sage is our 2nd stringer.

I always hate that but you're right...teams just can't bench a guy they're paying out the wazoo for.
I haven't read anything that says Sage is the best QB in the practices. Nothing has ever said that. The ONLY thing I've read about Sage is Norv saying he has "potential" and that he has a strong arm. That is it. No one has EVER said Sage looks to be the BEST QB in PRACTICE. With the weak QB in Fiedler and all the Money (I don't see it) spent to Feeley people are wishing Sage would be something he isn't.
I think the reason Sage won't get a chance to start is MONEY!!! How would it look in the front office if your lowest paid QB is the starter:shakeno:
I'm sure the FO would be forgiven if the lowest paid QB was the best and proved it. Maybe in your fantasy world where Marino's are a dime-a-dozen, and Favre is just waiting to be discovered, but somehow he slipped beneath Wannstedt's ignormous gaze.
PHINATIC13 said:
I think the reason Sage won't get a chance to start is MONEY!!! How would it look in the front office if your lowest paid QB is the starter:shakeno:

Guess who was making more money the year Tom Brady won the starting job...Brady or Bledsoe?
Injektilo* said:
I haven't read anything that says Sage is the best QB in the practices. Nothing has ever said that. The ONLY thing I've read about Sage is Norv saying he has "potential" and that he has a strong arm. That is it. No one has EVER said Sage looks to be the BEST QB in PRACTICE. With the weak QB in Fiedler and all the Money (I don't see it) spent to Feeley people are wishing Sage would be something he isn't.

I have read at least three different sources that said Sage looked the best by far. Remember though it is just no contact right now. As bad as QB position is I would also like to see Sage get at least a shot.
PhinPhan1227 said:
Guess who was making more money the year Tom Brady won the starting job...Brady or Bledsoe?
hes right, and i know that sage can play, at least he could for ISU, but thats a whole nother ball game!!!
Youd think they start him or have him the # 2 QB since he was drafted in the 4th rounder.

I wonder why Norv didnt try and get Sage, before they signed Collins
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