Salary Cap...please post your thoughts | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Salary Cap...please post your thoughts

Saint Greg

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2002
Reaction score
Bossier City, LA
Well i thought 57 mil would be about average for the cap...As i look at the teams, i haven't seen a single team that's over the cap. most teams are starting out 10-15mil under. That doesn't sound right. I think we should consider lowering it, but i want to see what you guys think. Majority rules around here.
I'd say probably around 50-52. Some teams with a lot of FA's might be under the cap but some might only have 40 players or so on their team.

If it's any help, the Bills are like 8 million under the cap in the NFL. They're like 13 million under here. Could probably go from there.

With it around 50 million people will have to pay more attention to who they sign. With the amount of money everyone has, I don't really see a team that really needs to get rid of anyone except for a few.
Yeah i was talking to someone earlier about moving it down...50 mil is exactly what we were talking about
The league won't be fun or challenging if everyone has more than enough money - end up with alot of overpaid FA's too. My Vote is definatley to lower it.

48-50 mil.
im up for leaving it :D

but fine...I'll just start cutting people:cry:
And while everyone will be a little biased considering they're cap situation we should think about what's best for the league. :)
i took over the ravens the year they had cap actually was alot of fun...challenging...i was 20-30 mil over from the start. i think i ended up with a good team considering that.
i think 50 mil sound pretty good,and it would make it alot more challenging.that way free agents wont get out of hand when it comes to bidding.
I thing 50 million is good. Let's go for it. Go Browns
i dont think a drop is a bad idea, but im in favor of a drop to around the 53-54 mil range. A 7 mil dollar drop is too drastic to those who have already planned their off-season moves around that number.

Let me know what you guys think about that.
i dont think too many guys have planned that many off season moves, considering the league hasnt officially even started

I am for dropping it to 50, even if I am closer to 60
I think 50 is a good number. Let's start the fun. Go Ravens
also, we know the max is 60 or so, but we should have a min roster requirement so teams dont cut half their team just to acquire enough guys to field a starting team with as many stars as they can
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