I have been reading post saying that the Season is over which could and most likely is true ( I wont believe it until we have 9 loses) And saying that we will get a top 5 pick. I would like to hear what some of the draft choices you guys would like to make. And also I would like to hear what trades or cap casualties you guys would like to see made due to us having a high draft pick. Because it will most likely cost us a 40+million dollar contract for a top 5 pick (with at least about 20 million guaranteed).
I want to see some youth on the defense and some talent on the O-line. Here some possible cuts/releases/not re-signing.
Marty Booker- Has not done anything since he's been here has a hefty salary.
David Bowens- Not a big salary but we can do better
Travis Minor- Nothing more than a special team player.
Sammy Morris- Crucial fumble and Ricky is coming back. I say we pick up another RB anyway and trade Ricky for a 2nd day pick.
Seth Mckinney- Wouldn't make a difference if he was out there anyway.
L.J.- He sucks as a LT, could be better at guard.
Jeno- Overpaid and underacheiving, bad combo. He is probably our best linemen but not for the salary he's making.
D.Spragan- Nothing more than average. Not going to be around next year.
V.Holiday- If he was not there we probably would not miss a beat. Need to get youger at that spot anyway.
K.Traylor- Good player but is going to be 38 or 39 next year.
T.Tillman- OOOOOOO boy! This guy blows and needs to go as well.
Undecided on....
Z.T. and J.T.- The heart and soul of the defense. They probably deserve to stay because of all that they have done for the franchise. Personally i think the draft picks that we could get from them are more important than them staying. Great players but were not going anywhere until we rebuild the team.