Sapp Vs Sherman | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Sapp Vs Sherman

Prime Time

Screw You Guys..Im Goin Home!!!
Oct 18, 2002
Reaction score
:yell: Vs :yell:

Ok now hold on. I wanna know who every1 thinks has the rite side in this story. If u heard oN ESPN last night the cursing and whooo! I think Sherman is correct. That big fat Lineman was gonna run all the way to the other side of the field when the guy who INTercepted the ball wa son the oher side bout to gte pushed outt of bounds (which he did)....BULLSHYT! No need for that hit he would never catch up tto the guy who picked it off. Sapp is a violent abusive player but then again thats what ,makes him good.
No way that olineman woulda tackled the cb on the other side of the field.
Everyone is in play on a turn over. That kind of hit is usually put on the QB on a turn over. The NFL is no place to just mosey around the field. Just like Boxing, protect yourself at all times. Head coaches should stay above the fray and let the players take care of business just like Tom Jackson's commentary made clear.
No way guys Im taking Sapps side on this one....It was a clean hit, sometimes you make it and sometimes you recieve it...thats part of can say anything you want, but reality is you never know what wouldve happened....maybe that lineman had some kind of secret speed no one knew about and all of a sudden you see him outrunning everybody to make a tackle ...ok, so maybe thats a far-fetched Idea but its possible becuz the rules say so...the rules dont say you can only do that to fast people....So, IMHO Sapp had a right to do it....thats what makes football fun...those "oooooooo" hits...please dont base your opinion on your feelings for Sapp like most least be fair about it....besides you guys know what kind of rivalry these guys have, Im sure you would love to see Tim Bowens do the same thing to Kevin Mawae or Jason Fabini, right? Feedback please!
Sherman was also very pissed about Sapp celebrating the hit after, which is just way out of line for Sapp to do.
It might not have been illegal but it was damn sure immoral.....:lol:
I'm starting to lose what little respect I had for Sapp. He WANTED to injure that lineman. He didn't push him down. He jumped out of the air, and used his helmet as a battling ram to bring him down. Then he celebrates the guy's injury. I understand completely Sherman's problem w/ Sapp.
Yeah the celebration was totally uncalled for but the hit, although cheap, was legal. Clifton should have been paying attention out there **** there's 300 lbs plus lineman running around.
I have to agree with Sapp this is football a contact sport, not dancing. It was a legal hit its bad that Clifton could be out of the year, but its football injuries happen.
I'm on Sapp's side on this one.Who knows what could have happened.Sometimes a return can start out one way, and then the runner will turn to the other side of the field in an instant. That guy was running to make a tackle, and Sapp did his job.I didn't see if he celebrated the hit afterwards, but before he knew he was really hurt, he had a right to.He popped that guy.
The "celebration," plus: I call Pete Prisco out!

Folks, no one has actually seen Sapp's "celebration." We don't know if he was taunting or just celebrating the result of the play. This is something I brought up in an e-mail to Pete Prisco in response to his column on the incident. Here's what I said:

"In your article on the Sapp/Sherman fracas, you write, 'The actions after [the hit] were vintage Sapp. He supposedly taunted Clifton when he was down ...'

Way to nail down your facts before you state an opinion, Pete.

But perhaps you're right. Perhaps the hit was uncalled for. We should probably change the rules so that the play is dead once a defender intercepts a pass. That way, players who aren't used to getting blocked won't get injured.

And have you seen any special teams play recently? Wow, those hits are vicious, and most of them are away from the ball, too. We should just give the ball to the offense at the 30 after an opposing score.

Aw, hell. Let's just play flag football."

The play was clean. Violent, but clean.
I'm starting to lose what little respect I had for Sapp. He WANTED to injure that lineman. He didn't push him down. He jumped out of the air, and used his helmet as a battling ram to bring him down. Then he celebrates the guy's injury. I understand completely Sherman's problem w/ Sapp.

I'm not here trying to say that anyone should hurt anyone but isn't that style of play what we compare to the greats of old times like Butkis.The play isn't over until the whistle blows.That type of hit is what makes many people love this sport.Hit 'em harder next time Sapp.
That was a legal hit. It was a hard hit. Its a part of the game thats why they wear pads! No one would have ever thought twice about it if Cliffton didnt get hurt and his whiney coach didnt put on a little fit.
Originally posted by Biggunndunn
That was a legal hit. It was a hard hit. Its a part of the game thats why they wear pads! No one would have ever thought twice about it if Cliffton didnt get hurt and his whiney coach didnt put on a little fit.

I agree... the celebration may have seemed out of line, but it's obvious to me, that he was celebrating the play...not the injury...

I don't like Sapp... but even a egomaniac like him wouldn't celebrate injuring someone....
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