Scenario if Peterson slips | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Scenario if Peterson slips


Practice Squad
Jan 2, 2006
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With the recent acquisition of Jamal Lewis I still expect Peterson to be drafted by the Browns, but this opens the possibility that the Browns look elsewhere. If elsewhere happens to be Calvin Johnson or Joe Thomas, then I was looking at a scenario that would greatly benefit the Dolphins. In that scenario, Brady Quinn and Peterson both slip (barring Gruden getting yet another QB) to 8. If I were the Texans I would draft Quinn because as much as AP is a sure thing, QB is still a question mark and really you can always get a RB anywhere.

What does that leave us? The opportunity to go draft Branch, Okoye or any of the players we have mentioned before. But then Peterson is there. And I'm not promoting him as a pick, but rather as a huge gift in trade bait. Pit the Giants and the Packers against each other, trade down to either and demand a boatload of picks (maybe a future 1st?) considering Peterson has top 3 value.

Extremely farfetched and lots of things have to fall into place, yes. But if this were to happen (and I give it a <5% chance) I would hope the FO recognizes this. Hell I wouldn't mind if we played games with GB and NYG with Marshawn Lynch, pretty much the only other viable option at RB in this draft. If the Texans take Peterson under the scenario then we are back to where we started so no big loss.
With the recent acquisition of Jamal Lewis I still expect Peterson to be drafted by the Browns, but this opens the possibility that the Browns look elsewhere. If elsewhere happens to be Calvin Johnson or Joe Thomas, then I was looking at a scenario that would greatly benefit the Dolphins. In that scenario, Brady Quinn and Peterson both slip (barring Gruden getting yet another QB) to 8. If I were the Texans I would draft Quinn because as much as AP is a sure thing, QB is still a question mark and really you can always get a RB anywhere.

What does that leave us? The opportunity to go draft Branch, Okoye or any of the players we have mentioned before. But then Peterson is there. And I'm not promoting him as a pick, but rather as a huge gift in trade bait. Pit the Giants and the Packers against each other, trade down to either and demand a boatload of picks (maybe a future 1st?) considering Peterson has top 3 value.

Extremely farfetched and lots of things have to fall into place, yes. But if this were to happen (and I give it a <5% chance) I would hope the FO recognizes this. Hell I wouldn't mind if we played games with GB and NYG with Marshawn Lynch, pretty much the only other viable option at RB in this draft. If the Texans take Peterson under the scenario then we are back to where we started so no big loss.

We have nine picks, and I think we're only allowed to have 10 per draft, max. But..... Let's see if someone is willing to offer up a 5th. Something about the fifth round that is... money.
We have nine picks, and I think we're only allowed to have 10 per draft, max. But..... Let's see if someone is willing to offer up a 5th. Something about the fifth round that is... money.

Actually I think the max is either 12 or 13. I remember Philly having 12 a couple years ago.
i like where we're at and i wouldnt be surprised if we finally pulled of a draft day trade either up or down
I don't think it will happen. It's so difficult to determine what Oakland and Detroit are going to do. They always seem to be in their own little world come Draft Day. I don't see why Oakland wouldn't go after Peterson. Lamont Jordan isn't that good and is no spring chicken. I think that Oakland may trade down to get Peterson and an extra pick or two. Why not? I think Peterson and C. Johnson are the two safest picks out there, and unless they trade Moss they don't need C. Johnson.
I doubt the Texans will pick up Adrian Paterson now that they have Ahman Green.
I doubt the Texans will pick up Adrian Paterson now that they have Ahman Green.

I don't think he would have made it that far anyway. Cleveland was the most likely spot. Depends how much they think Lewis has left in the tank now I guess.
Peterson could still be drafted by the Browns since Lewis seems like a one year quick fix. Peterson probably won't last past the Bills or at most Packers.
Lewis only signed a one year contract. Peterson will rotate with Lewis to form one heckuva running back duo.
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